posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 12:27 AM
I am in such a difficult situation right now with my girl friend, me and her have been dating for about 3 months now. I dated her for about a year
before that and we kida took a 6 month break and then got back together, she has been through alot, she's lost everyone who was close to her, her dad
ran off with another woman and her mom ran off with another guy, she's lived on the streets, and been from place to place, making new friends and
then just losing them, I guess you can say I saved her or influenced her to be a more happy person, but the thing is that i'm no longer happy, or
i'm no longer in love with her, i love her just not in that way anymore, i don't know what to do, she says if i leave her then she will kill
herself, and i honestly believe that she would do it, our relationship has been on the rocks for roughly 2 weeks now, i'm just turned off by her now
and she knows it and it's tearing her apart, i want to let her go but at the same time i don't because i'm to worried about her, this woman
believes we are soul mates, and i'm so lost on what to do now, she could really hurt herself and i just feel obligated to be with her, to help her,
but I keep digging this hole deeper for myself. Has anyone else ever had a problem like this, i really need some adice.