posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 06:29 AM
Originally posted by angryScientist
Originally posted by rawsom
Another somewhat different rant would be about the people, who actually think that whoever believes in Jesus is supposed to be messiah himself.
I just read that again. Did you mean to say that those that believe in Jesus are to be a messiah?
(I had to look this up because I think mostly about reality and not religion. The two are disparate.)
I was thinking about the aspect that because christians teach constructs they themselves are sometimes unable to follow, some think of them in
disgust, anger or just plain faking to be saint.
My entire post was based on that and on my point that it doesn't really matter what people teach to others, they cannot always follow their own
teachings. This applies to everybody. Therefore in my opinion it doesn't make sense to disregard people who act differently than what could be
expected from their constructrs of reality.
Its a good thing to remind people about that every now and then, but an entire attitude that goes along somebody's whole life is a very different
thing. Its not constructive, but creates opposition and hate instead.
My own religion.. well, most of the time its science. Rest of the time I feel something and take lots of teachings from different religions. Whatever
I have found good, it doesn't matter who wrote it or where it came from.
In a nutshell: just because somebody has stolen something at some point in their life does not make it so that he should not be listened when he tells
not to steal.