posted on Feb, 22 2004 @ 01:43 AM
I wandered upon this site about 10 months ago or so. I was working at Wal-Mart at the time, from 4pm to 1am as a Truck Unloader. I worked Wensday to
Sunday, so I never saw any of my family. All my friends are back home since I'm going away from home at college so I had nothing to do. I somehow
came here, from some random link of another link of another link. You know how you start out by saying one word, and keep doing it and end up in a
totally different thing? That's me.
As soon as I got off work, I came home and read my regular three-four news web sites and watched CNN, then popped in 'Fight Club' and started
reading the site away. It was around 3 months into me reading the site I finally made this account, just starting to use it. Different job so I
don't spend 5-6 hours reading news and stuff now, just 3-4 hah.
I think it was a link from a site to something about some weird topic on here. Or it had some other link or a picture to look at that was humorous or