posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 08:15 AM
First off this probably needs to be moved to the BTS General Chit Chat Forum. (oh god am I that addicted that I know where a thread should be?)
Anywho, I am here as often as I possibly can. mostly I am on in the mornings cause I work at night. When I am off of work I am here. I have changed my
homepage to My ATS: Personalized Forum Display. Just so I can get here faster without having to wait for a page I am just going to leave anyway to
I still for the life of me can't remember how I found ATS.
It was just on my laptop one morning when I woke up. I started reading and actually
spent two weeks away from work just going through all the material. Heck I even faked a doctors note after the two weeks claiming pneumonia.
have been a die hard ATSer ever since.
Plus this is the birthplace of my little podcast show What U KNO Net Radio, (WUKNR) I can't leave this place now, I got too much male bovine fecal
matter invested in it.
[edit on 3/11/2008 by whatukno]