posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 01:01 PM
I hate to take my own thread off topic, but since someone obviously has an issue with it, I will address them here.
I don't know which member of the admin decided to change the location of this thread, but I think it deserves an explanation. This is a serious
topic and there was no justification for moving it to BTS. It is not a "news discussion" because it wasn't in the news, and if that's the reason
it was moved here then there are a hell of a lot of other truly news related threads on ATS that you'd better get to moving. If you moved it because
it wasn't "ATS material", then there are still a lot of more frivolous threads that need to be moved.
Seeing as how this is not the first time in recent history that this has happened, I am inclined to believe that this is something personal. I don't
know who I've pissed off or why but if my presence isn't welcomed here, I will go somewhere else.
Here are just a few of the threads that are currently on ATS which are either "news discussions" or of a more frivolous nature. Please justify the
relocation of my thread, when so many others are left alone. I, personally, do not have a problem with the location of any of the following threads,
and am merely using them to illustrate my point.
I do not wish to stop coming here, it is a great place to work out my thoughts and ideas, but I will not remain where I do not feel comfortable and
Thank you to all of the people who replied to this thread, I think that this is a serious matter and I hope that it left you with a greater view of
how powerless the government thinks you are. If they can do this to a semi-retarded boy, without any justification, then what is to stop them from
doing the same thing to you, for something just as illogical? I hope that this subject continues despite this digression. It is not a gay/straight
issue, it is a freedom to live your own life as you see fit, without government interference, issue.