posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 03:46 AM
Okay So I have been racking my brain about this for some time, and even now after being awakened in the middle of the night I still can't decide.
Just which PS3 model I would go for seeing as cost is *almost* no object.
My dilemma mainly started as: I'm an importer buying Naruto games from Japan as well as a few other Japanese games for the PS2 (I bought my system
from Japan) and Figured I would play them on my ps3, until I found out the ps3 can't do that so that took out the need of getting a 60 GB system.
Seeing as my gaming library is 80% Japanese games, it had the most influence on whether or not I should get the 60 GB.
Yet, my sister asked her friend who is shipped over (Somewhere not sure) who said he could get me a 60 GB for $400 and would be able to do so in about
2-3 months or so. Giving me enough time to get the money for the system instead of having to use a credit card, only downside is the actual waiting of
the system.
Needless to say I've been eyeing a 40 GB as well since they are all over the shelves at EBgames, in costco's which are the only two places I've
been to so far in which I saw the systems. Haven't checked anywhere else, but all I know is if I want to find one, it isn't as hard as trying to
find a blasted wii!
. Yet checking over the statistics, I would say a PS3 40 GB would be right for me, but it seems as if to much was taken from it.
At least a lot of things are gone that the 60 and 80 had.
Now after going through a list of how many PS2 games I actually play (Only God of war II, Guitar Hero 3, and DDR. Even though I don't play DDR that
much nowadays due to SuperNova2.) I really don't feel like I actually need a 60 GB with the EE backwards compatability. Yet I'm wondering at $400
would it just be best to wait it out (since it seems like a good price) or go ahead and search for an 80 GB Harddrive PS3? Seeing as I've thrown the
40 GB out of the equation due to loss of various things being taken out.