posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 03:13 AM
It might just be me but I believe everyone is looking way too far into this waterboarding issue. With the big fuss around the time I first heard
about it I had something much worse than it really was in my mind. I figured they would tie somebody to a long board and submerge them into the
water. When I looked into it I found out that all that really have to do is hold somebody down and put a washcloth over their face. FYI (for your
information), not torture. Nails through the hands, daily beatings, ripping off of nails or breaking fingers, torture. Waterboarding, if anything,
could be considered a minor torture. Like the Chines water drops to the head. If I was to be captured in Iraq I would pray for the waterboarding
treatment, over other forms of torture.
It's really a waste of time to go through passing a law against this. The boys in the CIA are going to go oh darn we have to think of something else
now. The wash cloth and bottle of water was a great idea. But if they are really that concerned about it, they would be better off defining what the
CIA can do.