posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 07:09 PM
I think i must belive that most of the modern bible is apsalute fabrication and that the first is always the truth, meaning what is the oldest
recorded religion, and i also belive in what the guy said about the hebrew bible. I thin we will most likley find we are a creature thats DNA was
splised with another and the other adding very little of its own DNA just enough so we could follow orders and till the land and mine. All the
evidance we need is out there but becouse it is not acepted by main streem science and its not on cnn people dont belive or research. The king james
bible for instance is mumbo jumbo mostly. Dawin theary of human evolution is mumbo jumbo for during the evelutionary rant that he wrote about it would
not be possible for the creature to have even walked dueing the becoming the upright modern human.We are just monkeys with alittle jab of supper DNA