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What is the Definition of an "Area 51 Employee"?

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posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 05:36 PM
If the United States Government does not officially recognize and/ or denies the very existence of the facility, the what the heck are the employees considered there ??

We've all seen video and photographic evidence of the ominous "White Jeeps", and the operators behind the wheels of these vehicles.

Are they just mere holographic apparitions ??

What about the incognito "employees" who arrive at the JANET terminal every day and board a white and red-striped Boeing 737 which people have observed in lift-off with a Northeast trajectory ??

The same holographic airplanes used in the conspiracy and implication such planes hit the World Trade Centers ???

My question is, if the facility that these people are employed at doesn't exist, then do THEY "exist" ??

Do they have Social Security Numbers, Drivers Licences, ALIAS' ?

Do they pay taxes ?

Are they protected by the government ?

What would be the ramifications if some nut-job were to kidnap an Arae51 employee and try his best to get some information out of this employee ??

I am sure that legally that person would be charged with kidnapping, but of "who"...a government agent ??

If the kidnapper's defense in court were of "insanity" (because he wanted to know the truth about Aliens, etc.) How would the prosecution dipose the abductee ?? How would the media be "handled"...

Any thoughts to this ???

[edit on 7-3-2008 by _DISAVOWED_]

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 06:06 PM
Either I am REALLY unpopular, or this has been discussed before ??

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 07:45 PM
" the loniest number of all..."

" Dooon't"

Grab a fork and knives folks...this thread is Done

[edit on 7-3-2008 by _DISAVOWED_]

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 08:30 PM
When you mention kidnapping, Homer says "doh!"

The guards work for EG&G. [They haven't used the white jeeps in years.] You have JT3 contractors. If you work for the USAF, does the W2 say where you work? Remember, these guys are often TDY. Some squadrons are run from a different base than where they are physically located. Take the E-6 Tacamo Program, run by the Navy, but I know at least one is located on an AFB.

Lastly, think about the CIA. They have front companies. For example. the pilots for Plan Columbia were paid from California Microwave. I'm willing to bet the pilots never set foot on the premises of Cal Micro.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 08:45 PM
When I was with DOD, I had an Army ID. My W-2 was DOD. I worked all over the USA on stuff. I had post ID's for the posts I needed to work at.

When I contract out now, I have the proper ID's issued to me.

The people you are talking about all have id's to id themselves and whom they work for.

Yes, they pay taxes just as others do. The only exemption is for Social Security tax if they were employed by the Feds before 1981 and fall under the old retirement system. They are not members of social security but have a better system called CSRS. Looking into Federal employees and the FERS if your interested in this.

Kidnapped, your still a person, it's illegal. As for any other crimes against these employees; the rules changed for government workers after the Oklahoma bombing. Federal workers are a very protected species.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 02:28 PM
I personally would just like to know what their job description is. I mean, say you are in the Air Force, what would you have to do to get into these bases? Or maybe it's the Navy? Who knows.

They don't just advertise for these positions, and if they do they word them just right so you would have a hard time figuring out what they actually do.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by Johnny Sasaki
I personally would just like to know what their job description is. I mean, say you are in the Air Force, what would you have to do to get into these bases? Or maybe it's the Navy? Who knows.

They don't just advertise for these positions, and if they do they word them just right so you would have a hard time figuring out what they actually do.

Well do you expect them to advertise that it will be out of Groom Lake/Area 51/AFFTC DET3?

I have seen jobs advertised, that sounded like they would be for out there, like one for Lockheed in the early 90s for someone with low observables experience, for a remote location, and the EG&G 737 pilot jobs in Vegas are obviously to fly out there also.

There are mil personnel there, civil service, and people who work for private companies. Just like at any other base really.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 02:04 PM
Area 51 gotta love the U.S. Government, I've said this before and as much as I hate to repeat myself I will say it again...

Area 51 is nothing more than a proving ground for the U.S. Military and Lockheed Martin, The reason behind security being so high is because the entire area is littered with Radioactive Waste Pits and the Government doesnt want a bunch of Whackjobs running half cocked into the desert and becoming Neon Signs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure many of you will scream Disinfo Agent but trust me I am all about this # look to White Sands and Kirtland A.F.B. in New Mexico for the real HANGER 18 forget about Dulce thats a MYTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Arizona and Southern California desert areas have some weird # going on out there maybe not Alien Stuff but definately Concentration Camp looking Enclosures that are supposed to be watersheds but why the Barbed Wire facing in as to keep somebody in not out?????????????

Im a Diehard Dirt Bike Rider and have been out to the middle of nowhere U.S.A. weird stuff pops up all the time especially concerning the U.S. Government No Trespassing Signs on Makeshift barbed wire cattle fences are a staple not that those have ever detered us because trust me you are the only ones out there and if your not you know long before you even get close because the military would be a spectacle out there!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mexico is another place or Alaska but Nevada is old bombed out news that is now another Vegas Spectacle for the ones who still believe Area 51 holds the secret!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by JOEYSINNER

Area 51 is nothing more than a proving ground for the U.S. Military and Lockheed Martin, The reason behind security being so high is because the entire area is littered with Radioactive Waste Pits and the Government doesnt want a bunch of Whackjobs running half cocked into the desert and becoming Neon Signs

Very well said.

You left out the toxic waste landfill which has a proven history of human damage. The whole area should be on the super fund list for cleanup, but then it doesn't really exist....

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 02:14 PM
Somebody that worked in area 51, is an area 51 employee.

Even a security guard.

or a chef.

Now theres a movie! John Calzoone: Area 51 chef.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by firepilot

Originally posted by Johnny Sasaki
I personally would just like to know what their job description is. I mean, say you are in the Air Force, what would you have to do to get into these bases? Or maybe it's the Navy? Who knows.

They don't just advertise for these positions, and if they do they word them just right so you would have a hard time figuring out what they actually do.

Well do you expect them to advertise that it will be out of Groom Lake/Area 51/AFFTC DET3?

I have seen jobs advertised, that sounded like they would be for out there, like one for Lockheed in the early 90s for someone with low observables experience, for a remote location, and the EG&G 737 pilot jobs in Vegas are obviously to fly out there also.

There are mil personnel there, civil service, and people who work for private companies. Just like at any other base really.

Yea, alright, now go to the Air force website and find anything that even half looks like they would work at area 51 or other secret bases. I'm talking about the people that matter there, not the people who fly the planes or help get the aircraft ready, I'm talking about the people who get to know things. And they don't really advertise for their jobs as far as I can tell, and I'm starting to wonder how they get them. lol

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