posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 02:52 PM
I buy clothing and shoes for my kids that are a couple of sizes larger than what they currently wear. That way it's not necessary to keep swapping
them out as growth spurts occur from year to year.
As for entertainment, it's very important for morale. Something as simple as a deck of cards or a portable checker set will help relieve the feelings
of boredom and disconnection that will surely come with bugging out and fleeing the safety and comfort of one's home. My little girl has a teddy bear
that she's inseparable from, and that's cool with me.
We all have our security blankets whether it's a favorite hunting knife, a momento from our spouse, parent, sibling, friend, etc. People need these
things sometimes just to feel normal.
[edit on 3/7/08 by LLoyd45]