posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 11:28 PM
1. Cassini spacecraft detected what might be a large debris disk around Rhea
2. If confirmed, would mark first time rings were found around a moon
3. Flyby pictures were taken in 2005
4. Findings were published March 7 issue of the journal Science
PASADENA, California (AP) -- New observations by a spacecraft suggest Saturn's second-largest moon may be surrounded by rings.
If confirmed, it would the first time a ring system has been found around a moon.
The international Cassini spacecraft detected what appeared to be a large debris disk around the 950-mile-wide moon Rhea during a flyby in 2005.
Scientists proposed that the halo likely contained particles ranging from the size of grains to boulders.
The finding was described in a study published in the March 7 issue of the journal Science.
Unlike the rings around Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, the apparent arcs around Rhea remain invisible and have not been directly seen.
Scientists inferred their existence based on measurements by Cassini, which detected a drop in electrons on both sides of the moon, suggesting the
presence of rings was absorbing the electrons.
Click here to read the complete article
Rhea with rings? what next are we gonna find in and around Saturn?
[edit on 7-3-2008 by Enceladus]