posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 01:51 PM
In 2000, being a Republican, I was faced with the choice to vote between George W. Bush, the young son of a President I served under (in the Army) and
governor of Texas; and John McCain, the political maverick and fellow war vet (and POW).
I liked Dubya. I also like McCain.
In the end, it came down to one thing for me. Who had the better temperment to be the one answering that proverbial red phone at 3 a.m.
My best impression was that John McCain was too much of a hot-head for the job.
I think that about him now, even more. I absolutely will not vote for him this year; even to block a possible Clinton presidency.
There is no difference (this year) between McCain and Bush. Although I respect McCain's military service, I despise that he has sold his political
soul to George W. Bush and his reckless policies. All in the precious pursuit of becoming president. It's rather disgusting.
McCain is not the only candidate who would be Bush3. That distinction also goes to one Hillary Clinton.
I will vote for Barack Obama; or no one.