posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 09:30 PM
I wanted some feedback from ATS on this one.
Does it have potential to bring serious information on TV? Is it worth watching? Or it's just another "UFO Show"?
I'm starting to watch episode 03 now focused on the Betty & Barney hill case. and Implants. I don't like the fact of going backwards into old cases
that have been researched to death, but they said they have new evidence never disclosed before (remains to be seen!). Also a exclusive video of a
surgery to remove an supposed alien implant from a host, next appears a video where a guys says they found radio frequencies on an implant, and after
that some guys get shocked to see an implant reacting on it own when they try to to take it out. Now that freaked me out in a blink.
i just left paused at this point and started writting this thread up.
So, any of you guys who have been following the show, does it looks promissing? Or people won't give a d*** for it because nowadays it just won't
make a difference? LOL!
And by any chance, are any of the crew of the show regular forum members here on ATS or know to members here aswell? Because if they are, hell i'm
so proud and happy for ATS!
Well, off to see the rest of it now.