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My Chemtrail evidence

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posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 10:23 PM
Global Dimming


I found some tags but I haven't looked into that yet...
"Deep Shield"
Operation cloverleaf 9810109-V 9910395-P

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by Alien Abduct

Here you go:

Kucinich, Chemtrails and HR 2977

One of the more pervasive myths regarding “chemtrails” is that current presidential candidate Dennis Kuchinich tried to have them banned by an act of congress, but was pressured by the government to modify the act to remove the mention of “chemtrails”.
So what really happened? In a nutshell, Kucinich did not write the bill (or read it, until too late), the focus of the bill is nothing to do with chemtrails, it was written by UFO enthusiasts trying to:

1)Nullify a vast conspiracy by the “military-industrial complex”
2)Allow the use of suppressed alien technology for free energy
3)Avoid accidentally shooting down (or scaring away) visiting aliens.

They listed a bunch of weird weapons, including mind control, tectonic weapons and (very briefly) chemtrails. The bill was re-written several time in less unusual language to give it chance of passing, but ultimately fizzled in committee.

The specific act was HR 2977, the “Space Preservation Act of 2001″, the stated goal of which was:

“To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the United States, and to require the President to take action to adopt and implement a world treaty banning space-based weapons.”

The initial version of the act is the only one that makes mention of “exotic weapons systems”, listing several technologies that will be familiar to conspiracy theorists:

(i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons;
(ii) chemtrails;
(iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems;
(iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons;
(v) laser weapons systems;
(vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and
(vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.

Yes, it even includes “extraterrestrial weapons”, meaning weapons created by aliens (or created from alien technology from crashed flying saucers at Roswell), as well as psychotronic (mind control) weapons. Yet somehow “chemtrails” gets all the attention here.

Who wrote this? The original language for the bill was actually created by Alfred Webre and Carol Rosin. See, from Webre’s web site:

So no, its was not an admission of the existence of anything by the government.

[edit on 4/11/2008 by defcon5]

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by defcon5

Where does it say they don't admit it on your paper? This is only a small piece of a big paper on a big hearing by the senate in 1977 in which doesn't say anything about what your talking about.....

here ya go...

A Partial History of Secret U.S. Government Programs

1950 In an experiment to determine how susceptible an American city would be to biological attack, the U.S. Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria from ships over San Francisco. Monitoring devices are situated throughout the city in order to test the extent of infection. Many residents become ill with pneumonia-like symptoms.

1951 Department of Defense begins open air tests using disease-producing bacteria and viruses. Tests last through 1969 and there is concern that people in the surrounding areas have been exposed.

1953 U.S. military releases clouds of zinc cadmium sulfide gas over Winnipeg, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Fort Wayne, the Monocacy River Valley in Maryland, and Lees burg, Virginia. Their intent is to determine how efficiently they could disperse chemical agents.

Joint Army-Navy-CIA experiments are conducted in which tens of thousands of people in New York and San Francisco are exposed to the airborne germs Serratia marcescens and Bacillus glogigii.

1955 The CIA, in an experiment to test its ability to infect human populations with biological agents, releases a bacteria withdrawn from the Army's biological warfare arsenal over Tampa Bay, Fl.

1956 U.S. military releases mosquitoes infected with Yellow Fever over Savannah, Ga and Avon Park, Fl. Following each test, Army agents posing as public health officials test victims for effects.

1966 U.S. Army dispenses Bacillus subtilis variant Niger throughout the New York City subway system. More than a million civilians are exposed when army scientists drop light bulbs filled with the bacteria onto ventilation grates.

1977 Senate hearings on Health and Scientific Research confirm that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969. Some of the areas included San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis, and St. Louis.

1987 Department of Defense admits that, despite a treaty banning research and development of biological agents, it continues to operate research facilities at 127 facilities and universities around the nation.

There is no question that air traffic is up sharply throughout the world. (See "Jets" under "Investigations" Also that atmospheric change (including increased moisture) is contributing to increased natural and artificial cloud formation.

But not all sightings are of normal contrails. Experienced pilots, military personnel and other qualified observers note that: 1. Normal contrails dissipate less than one minute after formation. Many long-lingering "chemtrails" being reported across North America are being made at altitudes between 10,000 and 15,000 feet - well below the stratosphere where ice-crystal cloud condensation forms. Indeed, commercial aircraft entering spray zones often emit no contrails alongside "chemtrail" spraying aircraft. At higher altitudes and around airports, commercial jets have also been seen to leave pencil-thin contrails that quickly dissipate alongside fatter, billowing "chemtrails" that linger and spread out at the same altitude for hours.

1. Commercial aircraft do not cross each other's flight paths in Xs and grid-patterns at the same altitude. Concerned with making efficient point A to point B passages, airliners also do not fly back-and-forth in formation across the same patch of clear sky, laying long-lasting chemtrails for hours at a time.

2. Commercial aircraft prominently display their airline logo, "colors" and registration numbers. While configured after commercial aircraft, observed KC-135 and KC-10 spray aircraft are usually painted white and carry no identification markings.

3. Normal contrails come from the engines and wingtips of high-flying aircraft. They do not stream from the tails of airplanes equipped with wing-mounted engines. Chemtrails, on the other hand, have been observed through high-power telescopes and binoculars to be streaming from tanker tailbooms pointing downward at a 60-degree angle - the normal configuration for deployed refueling tail booms. Chemtrails have also been observed streaming in thick white streams inboard of the wingtips but outboard of wing-mounted jet engines, where aerial tanker refueling probes are also deployed.

4. Contrails do not make people sick. Hundreds of eye-witnesses have become ill within hours of watching chemtrails woven over their heads. Many have tasted and smelled something metallic or corrosive in the air. Check the dates and locations of peak hospital admissions alongside sightings of heavy "spray days". They match.

5. Contrails do no rain cobweb-like material and jello-like "goo" over porches, power lines and police cruisers. Most likely caused by maladjusted or malfunctioning spray nozzles, this material has been tentatively identified by a microbiologist as a "bio-matrix" for hosting and dispersing pathogens. Uncontaminated, fully-documented samples of this aerial fallout are being analyzed now. Previous (though inconclusive) samples tested in Washington state, Ohio and Wyoming have revealed the presence of highly toxic ethylene dibromide (a component of JP8 jet fuel) and Psuedomonas Flourescens (a genetically modified bacteria that is extremely antibiotic resistant). Among other severe symptoms, both of these agents cause severe upper respiratory distress.

Here Ya Go....

Educate Your Self Here

Scroll down to "Chemtrails outlaw" on this one

EDIT: Spelling

[edit on 4/11/2008 by Alien Abduct]

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by Alien Abduct

Alien, I have no idea about experiments conducted in the 1950's, since I was in diapers then.

As I have mentioned before, there are NO, and I repeat NO chemicals on commercial flights. There are no tanks, no spray nozzles, NOTHING...since not only the pilots, but all of the ground crew at the airports, and the mechanics would have to see these things, that DO NOT EXIST!!

IF the Military wished t do this, then that's their thing....but, as I've pointed out many times, if it is secret, why do it in the daytime? Why not at night?

Please, try to use your logic's right there, in your frontal lobes....give it a try, and think!!


posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Hi Weedwhacker,

For one I never attributed chemtrails to commercial flights.

Now, to answer this question I have seen you ask many times before...

The reason why the Government is using chemtrails is to keep global temperature down. Contrails as well as Chemtrails contribute to this.

And, as you see Chemtrails stay in the atmosphere much much longer then Contrails so therefor they are more effective.

Now this being said the reason why they do it in the daylight is because they are attempting to block out SUNLIGHT in order to keep global temperature down in order to downplay global warming.

As for the chemicals they use. I Don't know if they are purposely hurting people or if those poor souls are just collateral damage.

Abram730 posted a nice documentary that can help explain WHY they would have the motivation to do this. I suggest you check it out. It has astounding implications if you can grasp it. Open your mind for one second to the possibility and put this together. Please watch that video.

That Documentary is a few posts above us.


posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by Alien Abduct
reply to post by weedwhacker

Hi Weedwhacker,

For one I never attributed chemtrails to commercial flights.

Yet the phenomena described as 'chemtrails' is predominantly produced by commercial airliners.

The reason why the Government is using chemtrails is to keep global temperature down. Contrails as well as Chemtrails contribute to this.

How many times does this need explaining? Contrails (or 'chemtrails) cause global warming! It's why so much effort is being made to study them and fiund ways of reducing contrail formation.

Someone is feeding you some pretty nasty lies I'm afraid
You need to start asking yourself why they want you to think this? And would you trust them if they told you that to put out a fire you should pour gasoline on it?

And, as you see Chemtrails stay in the atmosphere much much longer then Contrails so therefor they are more effective.

Well contrails last for hours, possibly days depending on atmospheric conditions - but this goes back to my previous point: contrails/chemtrails cause warming

Maybe time you learned the truth?

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 04:38 AM
Most all of this has been cover here before, but here we go again:

Originally posted by Alien Abduct Commercial aircraft do not cross each other's flight paths in Xs and grid-patterns at the same altitude. Concerned with making efficient point A to point B passages, airliners also do not fly back-and-forth in formation across the same patch of clear sky, laying long-lasting chemtrails for hours at a time.

Aircraft fly on VORs, and they do cross each others flight paths forming large “X”’s and grid patterns. It is impossible to tell from the ground if the contrails are at the same altitude, or at 1000 feet of separation. In addition, aircraft can fly at the same level as long as there is a certain distance between them.

Originally posted by Alien Abduct Commercial aircraft prominently display their airline logo, "colors" and registration numbers. While configured after commercial aircraft, observed KC-135 and KC-10 spray aircraft are usually painted white and carry no identification markings.

All commercial aircraft are either silver(unpainted), white, or light gray on their bellies, and that is what is visible from the ground.

Originally posted by Alien Abduct Normal contrails come from the engines and wingtips of high-flying aircraft. They do not stream from the tails of airplanes equipped with wing-mounted engines. Chemtrails, on the other hand, have been observed through high-power telescopes and binoculars to be streaming from tanker tailbooms pointing downward at a 60-degree angle - the normal configuration for deployed refueling tail booms. Chemtrails have also been observed streaming in thick white streams inboard of the wingtips but outboard of wing-mounted jet engines, where aerial tanker refueling probes are also deployed.

Contrails form a short distance behind the aircraft as the hot engine exhaust hits cool air, expands, and forms ice crystals. As the air is now in the turbulence of the aircraft, it can spread out in a pattern that makes it appear to be coming from the wings. There is additionally condensation ice that forms on the wings due to the fuel contained within them, that can bleed off the wings in flight also looking like spray coming from the wings. MD-80s have a very bad problem with this type of wing icing as they lack sufficient insulation around the fuel tanks. When I worked the ramp, we used to make snowballs out of the ice we would scrape off the underside of MD-80 wings, and that was in the summer heat in Florida.

Originally posted by Alien Abduct Contrails do not make people sick. Hundreds of eye-witnesses have become ill within hours of watching chemtrails woven over their heads. Many have tasted and smelled something metallic or corrosive in the air. Check the dates and locations of peak hospital admissions alongside sightings of heavy "spray days". They match.

I left working at the airport, and now I work for a pulmonologist office. I guarantee you that is someone comes in saying that they are having breathing problems because of chemtrails, the doctors are going to send them for a psych eval…

There is ZERO evidence to correlate sickness with anything that is being sprayed from aircraft.

Originally posted by Alien Abduct Contrails do no rain cobweb-like material and jello-like "goo" over porches, power lines and police cruisers. Most likely caused by maladjusted or malfunctioning spray nozzles, this material has been tentatively identified by a microbiologist as a "bio-matrix" for hosting and dispersing pathogens. Uncontaminated, fully-documented samples of this aerial fallout are being analyzed now. Previous (though inconclusive) samples tested in Washington state, Ohio and Wyoming have revealed the presence of highly toxic ethylene dibromide (a component of JP8 jet fuel) and Psuedomonas Flourescens (a genetically modified bacteria that is extremely antibiotic resistant). Among other severe symptoms, both of these agents cause severe upper respiratory distress.

Almost everything that Chemtrailers claim is in these trails is found in nature already. Aluminum powder is a byproduct from aluminum oxidization, and is everywhere. Barium is used in everything from mining, to brick making, you can find all these things in the normal persons backyard. The strands that are often found are from spiders that use them to fly when they hatch, as hundreds of them all hatch at the same time, they can literally cover someone’s backyard. As the sticky webs of these creatures flies through the air, it picks up all kinds of pollutants throughout the trip. Ufologists also claim that these fibers are from UFO’s, and call them “Angel Hair”.

One of the possible explanations offered relates to the web making activities of spiders. Some types of spiders are known to migrate through the air, sometimes in large numbers, on cobweb gliders. The threads created by these airborne arachnids are delicate enough to dissolve upon handling. As string-like lines that appear out of nowhere and form unique patterns. They are also known as Spider Strings

Ballooning is a term used for the mechanical kiting that many spiders, as well as certain mites and some caterpillars use to disperse through the air; never is an actual lighter-than-air balloon formed; the silk has form enough to react with the wind to give lift and drag enough to mechanically kite the spider; researchers prominently applied the term ballooning for such dynamic kiting where the animal's body is the dragging anchor to the silken kite. Biologists also applied the term "balloon silk" to the threads that mechanically form the lifting and dragging system. Distinguish the mechanics from the biological literature term.
Many small spiders use silk threads for ballooning. They extrude several threads into the air and let themselves become carried away with winds--both updrafts and windward. Tiptoeing behavior occurs as a prelude to ballooning: The spider stands on raised legs with the abdomen pointed upwards. Although most rides will end a few meters later, it seems to be a common way for spiders to invade islands. Many sailors have reported that spiders have been caught in their ship's sails, even when far from land. (Heimer 1988)
It is generally thought that most spiders heavier than 1 mg are not likely to use ballooning (Suter 1999). Also, because many individuals die during ballooning, it is more unlikely that adults will do it than spiderlings. However, adult females of several social Stegodyphus species (S. dumicola and S. mimosarum), weighing more than 100 mg and with a body size of up to 14 mm, have been observed ballooning using rising thermals on hot days without wind. These spiders used tens to hundreds of silk strands, which formed a triangular sheet with a length and width of about one meter.

Additionally, as I said, I work in a pulmonary office, and we have seen no cases of Chemtrail induced respiratory distress in this office over the years.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by Alien Abduct

Every yellow dot is a plane. No one has so far been able to explain to me HOW planes are NOT going to fly x patterns or circle, or whatever they supposedly don't do. Maybe you can be the first.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by Pilot
What about Morgellons disease? That has been blamed on trails-and nobody seems to have a viable explanation for that-other than calling sufferers delusional.

Looks to me like Morgellons is delution.

You should see the movie Bug.

here is "Organised Gang stalking"

goto 3:24 in the video and note the "sores" at 4:11
The sores would most likely be staph infections.

concider the affect emotions and ideas can have on microbes

or microbes in snow..

our emotions and ice crystles(microbes too?).

A double blind study

Sometimes affects like this can be stronger in those with microbes like Toxoplasma Gondii.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
reply to post by Alien Abduct

Every yellow dot is a plane. No one has so far been able to explain to me HOW planes are NOT going to fly x patterns or circle, or whatever they supposedly don't do. Maybe you can be the first.

So, far no one here has debunked my statements and/or my sources with opposing PROOF with which I have provided PROOF on my side with my sources..PROOF from GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS and SCIENTEFIC DOCUMENTS. WHERE IS YOURS?

Now, as for your WEAK question, here is the answer which was ALREADY PROVIDED in my last post.

Question: "Every yellow dot is a plane. No one has so far been able to explain to me HOW planes are NOT going to fly x patterns or circle, or whatever they supposedly don't do. Maybe you can be the first."

Answer: Commercial aircraft do not cross each other's flight paths in Xs and grid-patterns At The Same Altitude!! Concerned with making efficient point A to point B passages, airliners also do not fly back-and-forth in formation across the same patch of clear sky, laying long-lasting chemtrails for hours at a time.


posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by Alien Abduct

So you're an expert on aviation are you?

Aircraft flying under the control of ATC are separated from each other either vertically or horizontally. The vertical separation is at least 1000 feet up to 29,000 feet and at least 2000 feet above that height. Horizontal separation distance varies according to circumstance but there is a minimum distance of 3 miles when radar is being used.

A holding pattern provides a protected airspace for a safe operation during the hold. Pilots are expected to remain within the protected airspace (the holding side). One of the elements which causes unnecessary confusion and anxiety is the holding pattern entry. Holding pattern entry procedures are not mandatory, they are merely a recommendation (as long as the airplane remains within the protected airspace). The recommendation is based on three types of entries, depending on the sector from which the airplane arrives at the holding fix. These are the direct, parallel and tear-drop entries.

As far as the FACET screen, let me get this straight.... According to you, NOT ONE of those planes (keeping in mind that this is a single snapshot of a particular minute) is flying at the same altitude as another, and not one of those flying at the same altitude will cross flight paths with another plane at the same altitude? Sure. Do you have ANY idea how ATC works, or are you just coming in and spouting off what you read somewhere else.

[edit on 4/12/2008 by Zaphod58]

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by Alien Abduct

Alien, we have tried, very patiently, I might add, to explain.

Zaph's 'big picture' shot of all the airplanes in the air, at the same time, didn't convince you because, it was a 'snapshot'.

You may have already mentioned where you live, in the USA or don't have to be specific.

We can assure you that airplanes fly East-West, North-South....NorthEast-SouthWest, all over the place, and they will cross over various spots, becuse they normally fly AirWay is defined by VORs, on the ground, and may be further defined by where certain 'intersections' occur, between various AirWays.

In RVSM airspace (RVSM = reduced minimum vertical separation) we now can operate, when the airplane is certified, at 1000 feet separation above 29,000 (FL 290).

The standard, also, in a RADAR environment, is 10 miles horizontally, at the same altitude, which can be reduced if both airplanes have each other in sight. This 10-mile separation standard is reduced to 5 miles, at lower altitudes, but that applies more to the Terminal Area, and you may not see contrails down there anyway...

A jet, at cruise altitude, is moving at about 8 miles per minute. (give or take)

SO, even at the same altitude, two jets can 'cross paths', within a few minutes of each other...and still maintain the required separation.

BUT, you should also consider this fact: The assigned altitude is dependant on the magnetic heading of the course....

Basically, Westbound headings are even, and Eastbound headings are odd...

Example, Westbound, 10,000 feet, Eastbound, 11,000 feet.

Jets are pressuurized, of course, and fly much higher.
Before RVSM standards, we had to have 2000 feet separation above 29000 (FL290) So, Westbound was either FL280, or FL310. Eastbound was FL 290, FL 330, etc.

NOW, using RVSM standards, it's the same as below FL290, even is West, odd is East.

Of course, if you are flying South by South-West, it still is in the compass rose as West, so it's Even.

Wanna go South by South-East? it's odd.

Again, it's based on Magnetic Course....not Magnetic Heading, since that will vary depending on wind.

If the Magnetic Course is 001 to 179 degrees, it is East, and so it's odd.

Conversely, if from 181 to 359, it is West, hence even.

Very few, if any, routes are EXACTLY North or South. But, altitudes will be adjusted, as ATC controls and is tasked with maintaining adequate separation. Because, that is really what ATC does. They know the Flight Plan, they try to accomodate the airplanes, and provide legal separation during the process. Simple as that!


ps....yeah, sounds simple here, but just ask a real controller, it's darned hard work!


posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by Alien Abduct
So, far no one here has debunked my statements and/or my sources with opposing PROOF with which I have provided PROOF on my side with my sources..PROOF from GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS and SCIENTEFIC DOCUMENTS. WHERE IS YOURS?

See my post above

See also:


EPA Contrail Factsheet


Is that enough 'proof' for you on what contrails are, how they form, how and why they persist and the effects they may be having?

You, on the other hand (along with everyone else who believes in chemtrails) has yet to provide any evidence, let alone proof, that what we see in the skies are anything but normal contrails ....

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by Alien Abduct

Alien, you're down there in Florida, I'm just two hours away, up here in DC.

I wish I could personally take you on a walk-around of a jet. Your choice. B737, B757 or B767. I could also sit down and explain how the weight and balance info is provided to the pilots, before every take-off.

This includes.....the OEW (operating empty weight) which is determined to be the airframe, all normal consumables (galley equipment) and the required crew, and their luggage. Then, we add the planned/boarded fuel quantity, in pounds. Then we add the payload, that is all known cargo, and of course, the passengers (averaged depending on season...heavier in the winter, lighter in the summer). The final number is the GTOW (gross take-off weight)....actually, there is an allowance for fuel-burn during taxi, so we have a 'ramp' weight, at push-back and that must meet maximum standards, etc, etc.

Point is....we don't have a place on our manifest, and we don't have any knowledge of a tank containing chemicals, and we have no pumps, no switches to operate the pumps, no switches to operate the valves, nothing at all!

We do everything by checklist. There is a checklist for everything, and NO WHERE is there a checklist for 'spraying' chemicals on you poor, unsuspecting citizens. Not then, not now. Period.


posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 02:53 AM
Alien Abduct

Better yet, what ground service vehicle supposedly pumps this stuff on the aircraft?

That “Mechanic Story” has been long ago debunked as a joke. The Honeypot Truck does not contain enough chemicals to fill more then the toilets. It is certainly not operated by some type of MIB’s, but rather by cabin service agents.

If you go to this site, then under each aircrafts terminal servicing manual, you can see exactly what ground service equipment hooks up to each aircraft and what each service panel provides for:

[edit on 4/12/2008 by defcon5]

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by defcon5

Ya know, back in the 1980s, when I was much younger, and in-between airline flying jobs, I actually worked on the ramp for a bit...and used the equipment that emptied the 'honey-buckets', the 'blue' fluid....had a hose burst and was covered I think I know a thing or two.


posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

You got smurfed did ya…
Never had that happen to me, but I was sitting on paymover getting ready to push the airbus (you know which one I assume), and the Pilot called us on the interphones to say that he had an indicator light on the forward lab panel. The other supervisor on that flight (since it was a LD loaded aircraft we had two, the nightshift super would come in early to line up and spin the cans while the dayshift one ran the FMC) went to go check the panel, and when he opened it up he found out that cabin service had not secured doughnut, and the outer panel was the only thing holding the inner cap in place. The whole tank emptied over his head. We called him “papa smurf” until the day I left the airport. Humorously enough the last time I saw him he was a manager for an airlines with blue
in its name.

[edit on 4/12/2008 by defcon5]

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Alien Abduct

Alien, you're down there in Florida, I'm just two hours away, up here in DC.

I wish I could personally take you on a walk-around of a jet. Your choice. B737, B757 or B767. I could also sit down and explain how the weight and balance info is provided to the pilots, before every take-off.

This includes.....the OEW (operating empty weight) which is determined to be the airframe, all normal consumables (galley equipment) and the required crew, and their luggage. Then, we add the planned/boarded fuel quantity, in pounds. Then we add the payload, that is all known cargo, and of course, the passengers (averaged depending on season...heavier in the winter, lighter in the summer). The final number is the GTOW (gross take-off weight)....actually, there is an allowance for fuel-burn during taxi, so we have a 'ramp' weight, at push-back and that must meet maximum standards, etc, etc.

Point is....we don't have a place on our manifest, and we don't have any knowledge of a tank containing chemicals, and we have no pumps, no switches to operate the pumps, no switches to operate the valves, nothing at all!

We do everything by checklist. There is a checklist for everything, and NO WHERE is there a checklist for 'spraying' chemicals on you poor, unsuspecting citizens. Not then, not now. Period.



You know I tell you Weedwhacker, I have answered your repetitive question over...and over.....and over.... and over again, man I'm done responding to people that can NOT respond back with some kind of resonance.

It seems all you can do is ask re re questions in which I have already answered with GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS and scientific documents. If you can not provide me with DOCUMENTS argumenting against my claims then I will consider your argument non plausible....who wouldn't.....??


posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by defcon5

Real PROOF!!!.. like................. DOCUMENTS!!!!????

or how about........................... DOCUMENTS!!!!!?????????????

you guys have NOTHING!!!!!!

I DO!!!!

I DO!!!!

I DO!!!!


Good Day!!!!!!!

Good Night!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by Alien Abduct


Okay. So you accept that the majority of persistent contrails you see, criss-crossing the skies and sometimes spreading into sheets of cirrus, are not chemtrails.

It's only the ones left by military aircraft?

So what differentiates those left by military and those by commercial aircraft? And given the altitude, how can you even be sure whether the aircraft involved are military or commercial? I'm pretty sure a 6 miles distance the white underside of a commercial 767 looks just the same as the white underside of a KC-135.

It seems all you can do is ask re re questions in which I have already answered with GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS and scientific documents.

No you haven't. But we have repeated furnished you with government and scientific papers and reports explaining in simple terms what it is you
are seeing.

If you can not provide me with DOCUMENTS argumenting against my claims then I will consider your argument non plausible....who wouldn't.....??

If you don't read them, what's the point?

[edit on 12-4-2008 by Essan]

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