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Area 51 a cover up for something bigger

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posted on May, 23 2008 @ 11:54 AM
The question makes you ponder .... did the secret government move out of Nevada after blasting the sand away with all those underground nuclear tests?

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by 6dark6energy6
I herd once that the C.I.A. told an military personel who was claiming he'd been abducted by aliens. That they had contact with aliens for years. After that he was fired because his health was unnateraly high in one area.So the C.I.A might controle Area 51... so Area 51 might have a mouleclear decounstructer or basicly a device that destroys a structer by demagnitising all moulcuels so that its no longer can be a soild but would now be a gas. And they might have a time machien but it would have to be reversed engenerd from alien technoligy. It's rummered to have the best coumpter on earth called the cray coumputer. Area 51 would proabaly have more ufos then aliens if anything they would have only 200 aliens. Area 51 has about 7 to 8 underground floors for storege.......................

And a friend whos name will be keept secret found out by useing google the year 2006 looked on Area 51's offline site that moves continuesly and aparently learned they have something not on the table of eleaments but is a form of titanime that can withstand the force of a nuclear bomb.

I know a little more about area 51 but some things are meant to be left seceret for good reasons.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 11:24 PM
i agree that there are probably many more secret places all around the u.s. + world!

i say that because area 51 is so widely known the true reason for building it in the first place is no longer there. i'm guessing they moved what ever it was they were hiding to somewhere no one yet knows except the government/military... its just a matter of time before the new hiding place is discovered

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 01:11 PM
ahh . . . Area 51 . . . . the "secret" facility.

I remember when I first heard of Area 51 and all of the things that were supposed to be in there. I don't remember how old I was, but I do remember all of the wonderous things that were supposed to be heald within. If there is any truth to what was said, it was all moved either as soon as Bob came forward or if he is a disinfo agent, before he came forward. From everything I have read, Area 51 is now used for testing of craft only and has been that way for at least 10 -20 years if not more. The public is the only ones still putting emphesis on Area 51, security is obviously there to protect the secrecy of these test flights. Can't risk secrets getting out afterall.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by AlienCarnage
ahh . . . Area 51 . . . . the "secret" facility.

I remember when I first heard of Area 51 and all of the things that were supposed to be in there. I don't remember how old I was, but I do remember all of the wonderous things that were supposed to be heald within. If there is any truth to what was said, it was all moved either as soon as Bob came forward or if he is a disinfo agent, before he came forward. From everything I have read, Area 51 is now used for testing of craft only and has been that way for at least 10 -20 years if not more. The public is the only ones still putting emphesis on Area 51, security is obviously there to protect the secrecy of these test flights. Can't risk secrets getting out afterall.

Obviously government sources will not admit anything exotic going on there and will only report the most mundane. I disagree with people that say since area 51 is now "compromised" that means stuff was moved out.

Just because people are more aware means very little. Security is very tight and the government purchased additional land so that we can see much less.

Bob Lazar is no disinfo agent. Since releasing all this earth-shattering info there have been many more whistleblowers addressing and collaborating the same stuff.

[edit on 5-12-2008 by EarthCitizen07]

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 07:29 PM
Dear readers,
I do beleive there is something bigger than area 51 like a secret flying object flown by not aliens but the military and how they fly and wat they fly on isnt that the questions we all wonder.Aliens are not real the goverment has been hiding something for ages they dont want us to find out because we are just the back grounders they make beilve it was aliens and Ufos and all that junk but it is something bigger.The miltary almost gave away their most precious secret.The question i have wondered all my life What is the goverment hiding?Thank you for reading.


posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 08:25 AM
What about the aurora project. I think there is more weaponry technology being developed there than anything else that is theorized to exist there

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