posted on Feb, 20 2004 @ 04:09 AM
Hi all!!
Once again, I'm "late" to this discussion!!
Well, I must admit that I've *never* - yet! - rec'd this message (though *that* is tempting fate isn't it?!!)
I understand that SETI@home *does* somehow monitor the computer's performance as well, and tries to detect any possible "errors" which *might* make
the returned data corrupt (in just the same way that they try to screen out RFI and human-produced signals when the data is collected eg when we find
that a WU has been completed after a very short time - though we still get a "credit" for it).
So, all I can suggest is that - maybe - there was a "mains power fault" your end smirkley or some "glitch" with the computer at the time??
You just watch now - I'll get lots of warnings myself!!
Cheers gang!