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If President Bush is Part of the NWO, Shouldn't McCain Win?

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posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 01:06 PM
The NWO, New World Order, a topic that has many peoples interest, and occupies a countless number of threads here at ATS.

Many people believe that President Bush is part of the NWO.
Others believe Bush is merely a puppet within the NWO.

Well, could this upcoming election tell us the truth?

I have heard many people speculate that if the NWO is real, Hilary will win.
I've heard just as many state that Obama will win.

But I think that whether or not the NWO is real, if Bush is indeed a part of it, the John McCain will win presidency.
and what an UPSET that will be!

I was certain that the upcoming election would yield a democratic victor, but could you imagine is McCain was to pull it off???

Now, what made me think that McCain will win if Bush is in fact part of the NWO?
Well, this:

McCain to get push from Bush

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. John McCain was at the White House on Wednesday to get President Bush's endorsement for president...

... Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas said McCain can now focus on solidifying support among conservative Republicans, the majority of whom backed candidates other than the Arizona lawmaker in the primaries, according to exit polls.

"I think the endorsement of President Bush will certainly go a long ways toward that," Hutchison said Wednesday. "John McCain is going to be very focused on our base and the people that he wants to have in full force behind him."

Despite overall approval ratings hovering just above 30 percent, Bush receives far higher marks from conservatives, and the McCain campaign thinks the push from Bush will bring the party in line behind their presumptive nominee.

"He'll have the [Republican National Committee] behind him. He'll have a broad base of financial support. It's a big step," said Alex Castellanos, a GOP strategist and CNN contributor.


Now, don't get me wrong, I think that the NWO COULD exist, and I also believe that the next president will be a democrat...
BUT man, if McCain did pull out a victory... yeesh, I think it could almost be a smoking gun!

It's a scary thought, but I figured I would share it with my brothers and sisters at ATS...
What do you all think?

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by Odessy

A McCain win would be less of a smoking gun than a Billary win. The Clinton family has very close personal ties with the Bush family, and the Clintons have also been seen at Bilderberg meetings since the early 90's. Furthermore, Hillary has the edorsement of the Rothschilds.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 01:45 PM
so do you think this Bush/McCain endorsement is simply a way for Bush to appear less tied to the Clintons, NWO, etc?

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 01:50 PM
I believe if Hillery wins that there will be a back lash in the US. I'm not sexest but, there are not very many females in the NWO or the Illuminati. Now if MaCain wins, it wouldn't be a shock. I'm sure that he has been in a few meetings with the NWO himself.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 01:51 PM
The all have ties to the Rothschild and/or the Rockefellers. McCain, Obama, Clinton. It doesn't matter.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 01:54 PM
No, Bush endorses Mccain because hes basically going to get the nomination, and hes a Republican, Its not like hes going to endorse a democrat...

But either way Hilary or Mccain, we all lose.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 02:52 PM
Thanks for the replies.

I would be very shocked if McCain wins because the popular vote, imo, will be for the democratic nomination.
now, I know the popular vote hasn't mattered in recent elections...
but I think the world is expecting a democratic president in the white house.

Thanks for the info.
Do you have any links that show these connections?
I think I browsed a site a few months ago but have forgot most of the info i read and where the site is.
I would love to study up on it a bit.

I thought that too, it just seems that the republicans are really happy over this. and i thought it would have been expected, not something to get excited about.
But overall, I think your right.
However, McCain seems to be supporting many Bush policies all of a sudden.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 11:07 PM
the NWO and International Bankers support all three canidates, the voting is rigged. if u check out online polls many put Ron Paul in the lead. he cant win of course since he would end most if not all unconstitutional activities and make it hard for the NWO to make money and gain control. which they of course will, which is why this election will be such a huge victory for them because it will see the end of gun ownership. and if Americans cant own guns then what force will there be when the blue helmeted "Peace Keepers" arrive,

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by goodshotpayne

I dunno mate,
Its gonna be hard for them to take away people's guns.
My parents own guns and never had to register them, so the govr doesnt know we have any.
and lets say they come to search everyones house for guns, well, I know alot of people who would fight back.
I think that would start another civil war, something that America does not want.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 02:45 PM
there are other ways to remove guns, theres a new thing now, they want to put a shelf life on primers, on preloaded ammo and on primers bought for reloads, this means you wont be able to fir the ammo onc it gets old, the primer makes the powder go off so the ammo cant fir if the primer is no good, so they dont even have to ban guns, they can take them away, the NWO desnt care about lives lost, theyll kill you and your entire family, a civil war now and days isnt like the 1850 and 60's, back then technology of the people and military was about parrallel, not any more, you just about cant destroy an abrams tank, and i dont know many people that own any, a civil war now would be "Peace Keepers" from the UN and US troops battleing simple citizens with what an AR-15 and a 10 rd mag, sounds like a fair fight.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 04:00 PM
There is only a Win-Win now for Illuminati and NWO. Only some links from thousands to offer as mind refreshing...

John McCain
Council Of Foreign Relations, Long time member of head organization of Illuminati education and recruiting. His two grandfathers has been generals in US Army, so Viking Bloodline continues in state.

Hillary Clinton
Queen. True long time Bilderberger. NY (9/11) Mother of The Cover Up. Straight bloodline from English monarchy and Crusaders. Bill, husband is the member of Skull and Bones, true Luciferians.

Supported by lobbyist, financed by zionist bankers. Straight bloodline from Illuminati. Dont let the color betraid you!

Overlook to bloodlines:

Another question is that is there a place for next elections, will there be a Marshall Law before 2009? Then Dick Cheney runs the whole show...

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