posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by Holygamer
They're aiming for nostalgia. Hence those characters from "20 years ago" Thats what makes smash so awesome, the music remixed, the stages, new
characters. It's a fighting game, one in a series. They're not remaking a game, they've made a sequel.
But on topic, I've just unlocked every character, 35 characters "20 years ago" or not, they being a sense of nostalgia if you've been around for
20 plus years (in order to know what game every one comes from), the new characters are awesome. The adventure mode was really cool, took me about 7
hours to complete, at 91% though, theres things I missed.
My only problem is that Sonic didn't show his face in the adventure mode till the last second, for being the fastest character, he sure did take his
sweet time.
Other then that this game is awesome. I'm really enjoying it and have on line so if any one wants to brawl, U2U me.
[edit on 13-3-2008 by Slash]