posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Nathabeanz
Hello enemy.
I agree.
If I were a fan of another team, I could imagine how I would hate him, as in hate playing against him. But I've come across a lot of people, even if
they are Bears or Vikings fans, where they still respect him and still love his passion for the game.
We definitely need more players like that in the NFL.
Maybe he'll start a new trend of players trying to be like him? We can only hope. It's much more entertaining watching players who truly love the
game rather than players who just go out there for the pay check.
Yeah, football is a job, and people don't always enjoy their job and usually do it for the pay check. But football is also considered in the
entertainment business. You're there to entertain the fans too, and they don't want to see you playing half assed just to meet your contractual
requirements in order to get paid.
He was/is a unique player, and I think he'll always be remembered for that more than anything else, and rightfully so.