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Look at the that the pentagon? Is that even a plane?

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posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by spacevisitor

Well im not the only dutchman around here
there are others....

what you said is basicly the main thing most 9/11 debunkers can't admit.

They really think they see a plane flying there haha.. too obvious man..

I've seen weird things.. I've seen planes almost crash. i've seen a man being dragged by a chinook helicopter without the pilot even knowing..

BUT NEVER, and i mean NEVER have i seen the best protected place on the PLANET being attacked by so called 'terrorists' and the officials say afterwards;

We didn't see it coming.... at all.

Don't make me laugh... Oh wait you allready did

[edit on 7-3-2008 by PureET]

[edit on 7-3-2008 by PureET]

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 05:03 AM
Well PureET, my opinion is not made in one single moment, or with sleepy eyes.
I have watch both, because there are two different videos from two cameras with as claimed had two different angles.
I watch them again and again, compare them again and again, almost frame by frame, and find more strange differences, but I have a few month ago delete all the 911 stuff from my computer.
It are never-ending and endless discussions, and costs me a lot of time.

If the whole real truth behind 911 comes out in who are really responsible for it, I really don’t know.
I said on purpose, “the whole real truth behind 911 and who are really responsible for it”, because in the back of my mind I have a great suspicion that in reality the “real perpetrators” behind 911 are not even those who we supposed it would be.
But I hope I am 100% wrong.

So, I focus myself on other things.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by PureET
reply to post by CTMoney

So basicly what you are doing here is repeating my questions and reversing them wich is kinda obvious. You failed to answer my questions wich is too obvious.

Jthomas does this too.

Why do you deny evidence, PureET?

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 07:40 AM
cause it isn't quite 'independant' now is it.

And don't tell me otherwise, everybody has an agenda.

And now you are doing it again... failing to answer my questions and reversing the attention.

Are you manipulating us (or atleast trying to)?

[edit on 7-3-2008 by PureET]

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by talisman

Let me ask you this. How many footages were taken of the first plane crash into the first North Tower? Only 2. One by the brothers, but we cannot tell if it was a plane, could be a giant missile since the footage is grainy. The other under the Brooklyn Bridge and it was also grainy and very far to tell what it was. I guess no plane crashed in the North Tower it was a missile instead.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by deltaboy
reply to post by talisman

Let me ask you this. How many footages were taken of the first plane crash into the first North Tower? Only 2. One by the brothers, but we cannot tell if it was a plane, could be a giant missile since the footage is grainy. The other under the Brooklyn Bridge and it was also grainy and very far to tell what it was. I guess no plane crashed in the North Tower it was a missile instead.

Well if you believe George Bush, he says he saw the PLANE hit the NORTH TOWER

BTW. I don't know Bush is just mis-spoken here. Neither do you, that is just a guess. But if he did, then I am sure he also saw what hit the Pentagon.

Good Quality of the Naudet, shows a plane. You can see the fin, also the "sound" of the JET as it roared by.
as shown here, scroll downNAUDET

Also, your comparing a MILITARY COMPLEX to the World Trade Center that was completely destroyed! The NORTH TOWER came un-expected, according to Mineta they were aware of the PLANE some 50 miles out and more from the Pentagon.

Cheney contradicts certain testimony, George Bush keeps "MIS-SPEAKING" and whats more they fought an investigation to start! Sorry, it isn't adding up and there is enough reason *NOT* to believe any of them.

It is logical to assume they have good quality of what hit the PENTAGON and it stands to reason that they would as they are the headquarters of the Military.

Its not believable to say they had camera's that didnt' work or expect such a thing.

Well one would think they would prepare for a "RUSSIAN" OR "CHINESE" ATACK that would involved the "AIR", perhaps bombs, or those types of sneak attacks by foreign military where "IDENTIFYING" the enemy would be paramount.

The enemy would most likely be in the SKY!

No, it isn't believable to assume they don't have "AIRAL" footage, at the PENTAGON...

What then were the cameras hoping only to identify?

Brinks robbers>?

[edit on 7-3-2008 by talisman]

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by jthomas
One has to start at the beginning.

Prove the Pentagon exists. Remember pictures of it could[/] be disinfo. CGI at its best.

It exists...Been to D.C. myself....what kind of question is that anyways?not a good one if you ask me!

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 01:33 PM
PureET im not trying to dodge your questions your asking them and im asking my own right back which you have yet to answer also so dont be calling me the childish one when were both pretty much doing the same thing back and forth

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by CTMoney

CTmoney, if you look at the overall picture.. wouldn't you say that there's much more evidence against the public opinion, then that there is for?

I have yet to see a video or "cut-to-the-chase" report see light so what are we actualy discussing here?

it's all just a bunch of bull-crap.

Now a new topic wich includes high ranking CIA operitve who admits "Al Qaeda" is COMPLETE FABRICATION. (Arabic, meaning "The Base" or "Foundation... how obvious can it get?)

People... it is time for you to open your eyes.

Your government is trying to control you, through fear, and they are doing a great job, i must say.

Look at them from the sideline aight?, What is happening.. you have a president who is hungry for war, whatever the cost may be... And the very same man also executed hundreds of people by putting a airstrike over their head... in the name of god? GOD BLESS AMERICA RIGHT?

These are all tricks to let you believe they are good and just, but in reality Bush&co is purposely destroying your beloved dream.

So it is time to wake up, crack down that wall, and start thinking for yourself. Do'nt let anyone else do the thinking for you, cause that's exactly our weak point (us humans) we are so easily manipulated. Even by a small box what we call TV or COMPUTER.

I hope you get my point, i make my own reality and decide whoever makes up a part of that. If you have a story that's loaded with bull-crap my brain goes on AUTO-NO NO!.

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by PureET
cause it isn't quite 'independant' now is it.

Demonstrate that evidence form thousands of different sources and hundreds of different eyewitnesses is not independent.

And don't tell me otherwise, everybody has an agenda.

You have a political agenda as you have made quite clear.

And now you are doing it again... failing to answer my questions and reversing the attention.

The evidence didn't originate with the government. Quite clearly, you are wrong.

Tear down your wall, PureET.

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by unknownfrost

Originally posted by jthomas
One has to start at the beginning.

Prove the Pentagon exists. Remember pictures of it could[/] be disinfo. CGI at its best.

It exists...Been to D.C. myself....what kind of question is that anyways?not a good one if you ask me!

It's humor.

It's based on the famous satirical site making fun of all flavors of Denial: Holocaust Denial, round-earth denial, moon-landing denial, 9/11 Denial, etc.

It offers an as-yet unclaimed monetary prize if anyone can prove the Moon exists: "A cash reward of $100,000 has been offered to anyone who can send us, by e-mail, conclusive physical evidence of the existence of the moon. This reward remains unclaimed."

It proves conclusively that 9/11 was committed by Canadians:

The site makes the 9/11 Truth Movement very angry because it demonstrates quite clearly the absurdities of Denial logic, that absurd logic that is clearly the foundation of the 9/11 Truth Movement.

So, go ahead and prove the Pentagon exists. Why should we believe YOU that you've seen the Pentagon? You could be a government agent. Demonstrate how you can actually prove the Pentagon exists.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 09:34 PM
this thread is getting out of hand all it is now is a few of us trading remarks and snappy comebacks...there hasnt been new evidence presented since the firstpage...and if you look back its just me, JTThomas, PureET, and spacevisitor still posting on this thread

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by jthomas

Originally posted by Q Level
While I love a good conspiracy as much as the next, there is absolutely no question that Flight 77 struck the Pentagon. I had a friend on that flight. I know what was returned to her family. There were people talking on cell phones to loved ones as they crashed.

I have spoken to two eyewitnesses as well and there is no doubt.

It makes some look like the typical tinfoil hat crowd. There are real mysteries regarding 9/11, but this isn't one of them. Have a little respect for the dead, and accept the obvious truth.

You're chasing down the rabbit hole here.

Now if you want to talk about Flight 93, well that's quite a different story and the one the Government is standing by isn't anywhere close to the truth.

What would lead you to a different conclusion?

A different conclusion about which? Flight 77 or Flight 93?

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 01:50 AM
IMHO the only two aspects of 911 that may have a real difference from
what we have been told, are WTC7 and FLight 93.

Of those two I think WTC7 was "pulled" due to the damage done to it
in the initial World Trade Center attack.

Question Was anyone killed in WTC7's possible demolition ??

Flight 93 will be and is an enigma, It was delayed long enough for countermeasures to be engaged, By the time Flight 93 made its turn toward Washington DC there were only two main targets left, The Capitol and the White House.

The story we heard from the cockpit of Flight 93 (again IMHO) exemplifies
what an attack story would embellish, If we had to bring down Flight 93 to protect the Capitol or White House, it should be woven into the fabric of this days history without recrimination. If the occupants of Flight 93
brought down the plane that should be what is written and what is remembered.

[edit on 11-3-2008 by Eagle1229]

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by UnitedSatesofFreemasons
it is very well known in the military that it was TCM....

TCM? Turner Classic Movies?
Really, what do you mean by TCM?

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 01:51 PM
photography on the crash site pentagone

it's ok for all

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