Originally posted by whatukno
Leads one to just want to throw in the towel and off ones self.
No never do that! Don't ever give up.
If you love your child, then that would be the worst thing to do.
You have to believe that even though you may not see your child, you are with him every breath he takes and he is also with you. It is beyond the
I feel you really just need a big howl.
Things may not be as you would like, your struggle continues and maybe it is as you feel, you are defeated before you even start. So, change your
perspective here. You need to put on your long sighted glasses here.
Don't think short term, in the now, focus on the long term. In the immediate situation, perhaps it is a losing battle, but in the long term, it
maybe total victory, the heart felt kind.
All that your child needs to know is that his Father loves him.
And all you need is faith and hope for the future.
Don't let go of hope and faith... sometimes in life, they are the only things that keep us going.
Cry, let the frustration, the fears all out. Recharge yourself with a new perspective and outlook.
I have had some terrible times that destroyed my will, but today I look back at these times and see that they were actually blessings in disguise.
Being defeated really is only a state of mind, that is loaded with emotions.
I feel everything is going to work out for you and I am not just saying that because things worked out for me, I just have that feeling.
[edit on 5-3-2008 by Thurisaz]