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Illinois shooting, can we blame the NRA?

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posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 03:13 PM
I'd like to blame the sicko's that actually do all the shooting, but they end up finishing themselves off. So who is to blame? The National Rifle Association? The US Government or Violent Games?

"Part of the problem is that the filthy rich NRA (National Rifle Association) want to keep selling guns and making blood money. So they continuously lobby the government to leave the gun laws as they are. They also probably fund presidential campaigns too. The NRA's pathetic excuse has always been that if you tighten up the gun laws, that just makes it harder for innocent people to obtain guns."

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 09:01 PM
whoever you just quoted is ignorant of the statistical data gathered from cities with varying degrees of gun laws. Studies show a correlation (not cause, b/c it's impossible to to an experiment on large enough a scale to see if there's a cause relation) between cities with tighter gun laws and crime. The crime rates are higher in such cities.

Even if the NRA is a lobbyist group, they are a last bastion of the second ammendment, people with money that can fight those who wish to deprive us of our basic and natural right to defend ourselves, which extends to the use of weapons.

The problem is a social one, and nothing else. The blame lies with each and every one of us, as our society is just a sum total.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 09:32 PM
How can anyone possibly blame the NRA for this crime? Did the
NRA lead that sicko into the classroom by the hand and order him
to start shooting? This is ridiculous blaming the NRA or any other
organization for the acts of stupid, pathetic, loser people who are
probably better off being gone from the planet in the first place.

Whatever set that wacko off is the reason behind the killings, and I
am sure he wasn't thinking about how the NRA caused him to kill
innocent people. He had other reasons, I'm sure, and I would bet
it wasn't because the NRA has the guts to stand up for everybody's
rights, including non-gun lovers as well as the many millions of people
who love firearms. I would also bet that 99.999% of the honest
law abiding gun owners here in the US, would never even think of
something as chicken s--t as that guy did in Illinois, Colorado, California, Arizona, etc...

I would also venture to say that none, NOT ONE of these sick, demented
loonies, are or were, members of the NRA.

Thank you NRA for trying to keep one of our basic rights intact in this
country. We keep talking about how our rights are slowly eroding away,
and at the same time try to devise every conceivable way to take them

Ok, now where is that Ruger .44 Magnum New model, with the 7" barrel
that I was starting to clean.


posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 09:37 PM
Infact I blame the people who are taking our gun rights away from us. If guns are illegal than only criminals will have them. And if criminals are the only ones with guns who is going to stop them? If anyone can own a gun, then a criminal with a gun can be taken down without having to wait for the police to finally get around to helping you. Weapons are never going to disapear; All you can do is defend yourself against them.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 09:53 PM
Did you know that the City of Chicago passed an anti-gun law back in the early 90's. No guns sold within city limits.

Gun violence in Chicago has increased 100 fold in the time since.

Just head to the suburbs for legal guns, head to the West Side for the illegal guns.

For $250.00 I can go to Chicago and buy an AK-47 illegally.

NONE of this has anything to do with the NRA. No connection whatsoever.

By the way, it's the PERSON who decides to pull the trigger. The gun is just a means to an end.


posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by Attari

What do you believe?

I don't see why people make the connection between a gun crime and an organization that advocates 2nd Amendment rights. If they apply that logic to other aspects of their lives, how are they even able to live?

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 11:52 PM
THe simple answer to your question is

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 12:08 PM
I think we should blame the framers of the Constitution. Those bastards!

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 12:20 PM
The blame lies with the individual. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. I'd also think the school is partly to blame. With all the federal monies provided to them for security against such actions, how did this happen? Somebody wasn't doing there job..

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 12:23 PM
Why not blame the Chinese for inventing black powder?

The slope of stupidity is indeed slippery.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 02:06 PM
Sure why not....

We can also blame Triple A for traffic deaths.....Craftsman tools for bludgeoning deaths.....Monsanto for poisonings.....Let's not forget Buck Knives for all the stabbings.....Heck, architects for those that have been pushed out high windows...

Okay...I'm done.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 02:22 PM
Actually, the fault lies with the husband and wife duo, Og and Mog.

One day while sitting in the entrance to their cave, and chewing on the week old leftovers of a sabertooth's meal that they had scavenged by sacrificing their pet lizard as a diversion for the cat, Mog was complaining about the quality of the meat Og seemed to think she should live on.

In a fit of anger at being nagged at, Og swatted Mog on her thick, but not totally unbreakable, brow ridge with the limb he was planning on burning in the firepit. The proverbial light bulb went off in Og's small brain when Mog fell over into the pit and started to sizzle.

Og's second wife was very happy to eat cooked meat. She did however complain about the scarcity of game, which led to his third wife who cooked veggies to stretch the meat supply. (I did mention that Og had very little use for complaining wives, and had already gotten a taste for cooked dear.)

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Attari
I'd like to blame the sicko's that actually do all the shooting, but they end up finishing themselves off. So who is to blame? The National Rifle Association? The US Government or Violent Games?

"Part of the problem is that the filthy rich NRA (National Rifle Association) want to keep selling guns and making blood money. So they continuously lobby the government to leave the gun laws as they are. They also probably fund presidential campaigns too. The NRA's pathetic excuse has always been that if you tighten up the gun laws, that just makes it harder for innocent people to obtain guns."

Well you got your answer... you can only blame the sicko's, they're the ones responsible after all. We just can't get to them in time to put them on trial before they off themselves off this planet. Why would you even want to put blame on someone else who didn't even pull the trigger in the first place?????

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