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Is our love for manicured lawns and 2 trees out front destroying the environment?

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posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 04:45 PM
I have to admit that I love my grass...There's just something about the neat and tidy look of it that has always appealed to me.

We are trying to find ways to conserve water and the environment though. I too don't fertilize and hand pick all my weeds. My father in law has made his own rain barrel system for watering his lawn and we're getting him to make one for us so we don't waste water..and save ourselves some money at the same time. We do have gardens in the front and back. Flowers and veggies. We use wood chips in all our gardens to keep moisture in. I only have to water the gardens twice a month...unless we get a lot of rain and then I rarely water them at all.

I personally wouldn't care what my neighbours did with their own yards as long as it wasn't say dumping their garbage in it. There are a few houses around here who's entire front yard is just wildflowers and it does look nice, but it's just not my preference.


posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 04:50 PM
Unless there are laws passed against it in the name of the greater public good, I don't see why people shouldn't be allowed to do what they want with the land they own. That's what land ownership is all about. If the government or the general public doesn't like people to do certain things, they can pass laws.

I personally don't own any land myself, and I think obsessing about one's lawn is a kind of mental illness. Yes, it wastes fresh water and poisons the groundwater with toxic fertilizers. Yes, it reduces the number of trees. Yes, it has a lot of negative stuff associated with it.

However... so what? Individuals are not required to care about what happens to the Holy Environment. You can if you want, but it's entirely a personal choice. I won't be around in another 40-50 years (maybe less), so this planet can go to Hell for all I care. At least with a nice lawn there's green grass and nice landscaping to look at.

Do you drive a car? That's a much worse crime against the Holy Environment than anything you might do with your lawn. A car pumps out exhaust, and requires more miles of environmentally unfriendly concrete to drive on than all the lawns in the country.

So if you drive a car, you're in no position to point fingers.

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