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Channeling the spirit of Margaret Sanger?

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posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 11:17 AM
First link

second link

Third and final link

Hope all these links work...

Amongst the links on the third links is a youtube recording of two phonecalls placed to two Planned Parenthood offices, one in Ohio, and the other in Idaho.

To say it was disturbing would be an understatement...

The spirit of Margaret Sanger is, apparently, alive and well. Margaret Sanger was one of the foremost proponants of eugenics during the early days of the 20th century, as well as the luminary behind the founding of Planned Parenthood.

Before some of you leap on me as some sort of born again anti abortion advocate, hear me out first...

I am a supporter of abortion rights to a certain the case of rape, incest, and mothers life in danger. Not as a form of birth control...there are pills for that. That's my views on abortion...if you feel the need to leap for my throat now, feel free.

There's always another side to the story, but this does bear furthur inquirey, don't you think?

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 03:46 PM
Planned Parenthood has a long history of providing health care, birth control and sometimes abortions to women who ordinarily couldn't afford a gynecologist. Women of all races have benefitted from their services. I know many women who have been there who maintain that PP doesn't advocate for abortion, it just makes it available to those who seek one.

This report is indeed disturbing. It may be the respondents at PP were only encouraging a donation no matter who it was from. But if there is a policy of pressuring African Americans to obtain abortions, or even of encouraging them to above all other racial groups, then that certainly should come to light and be corrected or PP should cease to exist.

There is a lot of antagonism toward PP from anti-abortion activists and always has been. It could be this is part of an ongoing campaign to shut it down. More investigation is needed but it should be done.

A note about Margaret Sanger: she did have alarming views on eugenics but she was also a pioneer in making birth control available to women when it was still illegal. Untold numbers of women have benefited from the ability to choose how many children they will have.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 07:17 AM
I hate to defend Planned Parenthood, but this was set-up.

The actor calls and wants to make an earmarked donation.

Planned Parenthood needs donations.

Earmarked donations are not uncommon.

Call your local university and say you want to set up a scholarship for black students, they will take your money in a heartbeat and you might even get a write up in the campus newspaper.

In this case, an actor calls Planned Parenthood says he wants to make a donation for abortions for black women.

He's talking to a low-level employee whose job, among other things is to process donations.

Then the actor drops his racial bomb.

What's the low-level employee to do?

Tell the guy to go to hell?

He wants to donate money to help what most people will agree is a disadvantaged population, regardless if that is true or not.

His personal reasons for doing so are really immaterial.

Planned Parenthood doesn't view their services as eugenics, infanticide, genocide, even if the founder was into eugenics, which was a popular movement in the early twentieth century and has been practiced for millennia. Why do you think people want their kids to marry into good families?

Planned Parenthood is "empowering women."

Why should they care if a donor is a racist?

That's his problem.

I have no illusions about Planned Parenthood and what they do, but this scam doesn't prove that they are a racist organization.

I think they are equal opportunity abortionists.

[edit on 2008/3/4 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 10:51 AM
Isn't hanging up precisely what that young lady should have done, though? This shows a lack of training, if nothing else...

I'm no fan of Planned Parenthood, either. I know very well that its not a racist organization, however...

It was a disturbing listen, though. The right wing radioheads were, of course, all over it. I agree with much of what they say, but they have some real blind spots, this issue being one of them.

Margaret Sangers views on eugenics as applied to race issues was more than just alarming, they were down right evil. This counterbalances any good she may have done in helping provide safe prenatal care for those unable to afford it. Her reasons were not all that altruistic.

My own issues with Planned Parenthood is the ease with which they, seemingly, promote abortion as an answer to unwanted preganancy. Other than that, they do indeed do some very important work.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by Sestias
Planned Parenthood has a long history of providing health care, birth control and sometimes abortions to women who ordinarily couldn't afford a gynecologist.

More than 5,000 abortions a week isn’t ‘sometimes performing abortions’. That’s their bread and butter. THEN they get to sell the dead children to medical testing facilities …. talk about a conspiracy!!
Planned Parenthood’s income break-down for 2005-2006 fiscal year
PP clinic income: $345.1 million
PP Government grants and contracts: $305.3 million
Total profit: $55.8 million
Total income: $902.8 million

2005 Planned Parenthood service numbers
Number of abortions (medical and surgical): 264,943
Total number of abortions per week: 5,095
Adoption referrals: None reported

This site says that AT A MINIMUM - Planned Parenthood receives approximately $91 million a year for the abortions it performs, or nearly one-third of its total clinic income … more likely double that amount.

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