posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 10:51 AM
Isn't hanging up precisely what that young lady should have done, though? This shows a lack of training, if nothing else...
I'm no fan of Planned Parenthood, either. I know very well that its not a racist organization, however...
It was a disturbing listen, though. The right wing radioheads were, of course, all over it. I agree with much of what they say, but they have some
real blind spots, this issue being one of them.
Margaret Sangers views on eugenics as applied to race issues was more than just alarming, they were down right evil. This counterbalances any good
she may have done in helping provide safe prenatal care for those unable to afford it. Her reasons were not all that altruistic.
My own issues with Planned Parenthood is the ease with which they, seemingly, promote abortion as an answer to unwanted preganancy. Other than that,
they do indeed do some very important work.