posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 02:04 PM
Here is a brief target analysis of the top three cities:
Primary Target: Houston. Over the past four years military and police veterans like me have been alerting the public to government exercises aiming at
the nuclear destruction of Houston petro-suburbs. Five times in those four years we were able to predict to within a day major petrochemical
explosions in those petro-suburbs. The odds against this kind of accuracy are astronomical. As the center of Big Oil and the Bush Family, Houston
remains the most endangered city in America. Any patriotic group, like mine, trying to alert its home city to the dangers of a false flag attack
should read my recent article, "The 1/31 Nuke: Proof for Ron Paul" about the successful interdiction of a 2006 attempt against Texas City:
Secondary Target: Chicago. While Houston is the most endangered city, the most endangered building -- the best candidate to be the next World Trade
Center -- is the Sears Tower. Official sources have pronounced it just that ever since the original 9/11 attack, when they said it was on the Al Qaeda
hit list. Larry Silverstein, who bought the Twin Towers two months before 9/11, led a group that purchased the Sears Tower on 3/11, 2004, the day of
the Madrid bombings. Federal officials have been pointing to Chicago and its Sears Tower as Al Qaeda targets since the original 9/11 attacks, and have
repeated the threat ever since. In May 2006,, the government scheduled secret 9/11-type exercises in Chicago, while Chicago Mayor Daley was docked
conveniently away in Israel for his first visit there. I sent a widely read communiqué to Illinois Governor Blagojevich as part of a successful
Internet attempt to shut down the pending false flag attack:
Tertiary Target: Portland. Portland, called "Little Beirut" by Bush cronies because of its enmity to Bush 41 and Bush 43, only made my top three
list last summer, when it was designated as a target for a nuclear attack by successive exercises Noble Resolve and TOPOFF. The language in an
official press release stated the case plainly enough: "Noble Resolve will coordinate with officials in Oregon to model a nuclear attack on
Portland." In the course of researching Portland for a series of articles I wrote about the city and its exercises. I discovered that Stanford and
Harvard had prepared a detailed nuclear fallout map for it, that national military commanders and state National Guard commanders were telling
different stories about what the exercises were trying to accomplish, and that Portland's The Oregonian newspaper was doing everything it could to
avoid investigating the frightening anomalies. I wasn't at all surprised that the last day of the exercises found the Homeland Security director
Michael Chertoff in downtown Portland, which was largely closed down by an "unexpected" bomb threat. For another professional perspective on how
great the danger was – and may be again – I refer the reader to the analysis of my colleague, Major William B. Fox (USMC):