posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 08:05 AM
Well first off, a couple of points....
Patriotism means many different things to many different people. You can have a patrotic conciencious objector as well as a patriotic soldier.
I don't see how patriotism and conscription go hand in hand.
By its very essence conscription is a forced call up of people at "fighting age".
Surely a "fighting" patriot would volunteer, in much the same way that the system works now?
As for me, personally, I would fight for this country if it was directly threatened by a clearly visible and verifiable enemy, which it most
certainly is not at the moment. I would also fight against any direct threat to my family, or what I percieve to be the "English" way of life, but
again, I don't see that at the moment either.