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weird experience...

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posted on Feb, 18 2004 @ 08:43 PM

This is gonna be really hard to explain, so just bare with me...

For as far back as i can remember, ive experienced these really weird feelings. It like i can be sitting in a room and completely aware of everything around me, but then the next minute its as if i have been getting further and further away from myself. I suddenly remember that i am here. I really cant explain the feeling, but its kind of like 'i feel like im not there' thats the only way to explain it. Sometimes i get this regularly, but then i wont get it for ages. I asked my mom and she used to get this too, and so does my friend who is the same age as me. For me, it is a really weird experience to have because you become totally unaware of everything and its as if you suddenly remember that you are alive. (i know that sounds odd!)

I was just wondering if anyone else has ever had this would be very interesting to know what it is and if there is a name for it.

posted on Feb, 18 2004 @ 08:45 PM
are you looking for the word detached? if so, then yeah i know exactly what you mean. sometimes i can see myself sitting in the room, sometimes i dont see myself there. its all far away, just detached. too wierd, things seem like its a movie set. fake. unreal. sometimes even surreal. messed up huh? haha!

posted on Feb, 18 2004 @ 09:06 PM
i dont know what to say but do u wanna hear some good news?

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Geico: A 15 minute call could save u 10% or less on ur car insurance

posted on Feb, 18 2004 @ 09:15 PM
I have this happen every once in a while. It usually happens when I am deep in thought. I will notice something and its like I suddenly wake up. It is quite fun, actually

posted on Feb, 20 2004 @ 10:41 AM

yeah i think maybe detached is the word im lookin for....thanx.

posted on Feb, 20 2004 @ 11:02 AM
Could be that you also became significantly "ungrounded" for a time.

posted on Feb, 20 2004 @ 11:14 AM
Happens to me too. You feel a feeling of lightness also. The body becomes heavy and the real you, the spirit has lightness and doesn't feel trapped.

posted on Feb, 20 2004 @ 11:48 AM
Hi moonfairysoul !!

Have you read the works by Gurdjieff ??

"In this twenty-first century, the psychological teachings of George Gurdjieff and Peter Ouspensky continue to have a global influence.

Of Greek-Armenian descent, George Gurdjieff (1872-1949), reputedly journeyed through Central Asia, as the twentieth century began, in pursuit of esoteric knowledge of the full potential of man.

He reportedly identified a system of balanced, personal development in the tradition of the "Fourth Way" which has variously been termed: the way to heaven, enlightenment, consciousness, and self-realisation. The Fourth Way entails developing all sides of one's being simultaneously yet without having to withdraw from the current circumstances of one's life.

Gurdjieff communicated his understanding to his personal students and through his writings: "Meetings with Remarkable Men"; the enigmatic and challenging "Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson"; and the tantalisingly incomplete "Life is Real Only Then, When I am'".

In his book "In Search of the Miraculous", Gurdjieff's principal student, the Russian writer Peter Ouspensky (1878-1947), documented the fundamental ideas of Gurdjieff's system of human psychological development. As the sub-title "Fragments of an Unknown Teaching" acknowledged, it was not a complete exposition of Gurdjieff's teaching."

Essentially, he saw us as being in a state of sleep from which we could "awake" if we remembered - perhaps you are "waking" spontaneously??

posted on Feb, 20 2004 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by moonfairysoul

This is gonna be really hard to explain, so just bare with me...

For as far back as i can remember, ive experienced these really weird feelings. It like i can be sitting in a room and completely aware of everything around me, but then the next minute its as if i have been getting further and further away from myself. I suddenly remember that i am here. I really cant explain the feeling, but its kind of like 'i feel like im not there' thats the only way to explain it. Sometimes i get this regularly, but then i wont get it for ages. I asked my mom and she used to get this too, and so does my friend who is the same age as me. For me, it is a really weird experience to have because you become totally unaware of everything and its as if you suddenly remember that you are alive. (i know that sounds odd!)

I was just wondering if anyone else has ever had this would be very interesting to know what it is and if there is a name for it.

LOL happens to me everyday. I like the feeling, and i know how you feel

posted on Feb, 20 2004 @ 11:59 AM
I just heard something today on PBS about a researcher that inverted his vision. It was done before in the past that a scientist wore a special pair of glasses that were a prism that "flipped" everything upside down. He wore them for a week straight and then suddenly everything flipped right side up. His brain had reconfigured what it was seeing through the prism and reconstructed it so that he now saw things in the "right" orientation.

Another scientist re tried the experiement just recently and he said that after a week straight suddenly one or two things in his vision would "flip" to being rightside up while other things would remain upside down and slowly over the course of a few more days everything then flipped into the "correct" orientation.

Additionally after the "correction" when they were to take off the prism glasses and look at the "real" world everything was upside down.

So this leads to the question if the brain can be tricked into "re-contructing" the real world based on what it thinks is right. Whos to say that the brain may also be able to do other things that are outside of our concept of reality?

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 01:35 PM
wow! that wud be so weird 2 have tried that experiment!!!

I do believe that our brains are capable of so much more. Its said that we only use a very small percentage of our brains and that if we used it all, we cud do much more.....

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 01:44 PM

Its said that we only use a very small percentage of our brains and that if we used it all, we cud do much more.....

I am sorry but who ever told you this lied....

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 04:25 AM
I can be sitting in a room and completely aware of everything around me, but then the next minute its as if i have been getting further and further away from myself. I suddenly remember that i am here. I really cant explain the feeling, but its kind of like 'i feel like im not there' thats the only way to explain it.

Sounds to me like you are experiencing an O.B.E!!

Next time this happens try to go with the detached feeling, maybe move about your house?


posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 05:23 AM
fairy ...
sometime in the last day or so I closed my eyes and was definitely seeing some scenery in another part of the world, so I guess my mind was out there too with the minds eyes open. Isn't the first time I've travelled around and looked at various sceneries, have no idea where they are, but cool to look at.
Oh yeah, saw a whole city and roads at night basked in the strange glow of light. I was up in the air like I was looking down on the place, a town asleep with electric poles and wires running along the main road, anywhere, USA.

Maybe it was a snapshot view of some eagle flying over, a memory from one birdbrain to another.

it ain't weird fairy........not at all,,,,,, think of it as a short vacation without having to leave the comfort of home and spend all that time getting there

Honor Seed

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 06:27 AM
Every now and then maybe once a month I get something similar but I think mine is more to do with my vision. I'll be watching tv or doing something and then all of a sudden everything seems more distant and smaller like im looking through the other end of a pair of binoculars. Then after around 10 minutes or so things will turn back to normal. I think this is probably just a bit of tunnel vision and might be the case for you too.. then again you could be having an OBE like someone said.

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by moonfairysoul

This is gonna be really hard to explain, so just bare with me...

For as far back as i can remember, ive experienced these really weird feelings. It like i can be sitting in a room and completely aware of everything around me, but then the next minute its as if i have been getting further and further away from myself. I suddenly remember that i am here. I really cant explain the feeling, but its kind of like 'i feel like im not there' thats the only way to explain it. Sometimes i get this regularly, but then i wont get it for ages. I asked my mom and she used to get this too, and so does my friend who is the same age as me. For me, it is a really weird experience to have because you become totally unaware of everything and its as if you suddenly remember that you are alive. (i know that sounds odd!)

I was just wondering if anyone else has ever had this would be very interesting to know what it is and if there is a name for it.

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 07:21 AM
I know EXACTLY what you mean!!!

I have been having the same sensations since childhood and have never really understood it, or even questioned it, as I suppose it has just become part of my life.

For me, it is a feeling of being detached from whatever situation I am in. If it happens in a social situation, I can see and hear everything going on, but it is like watching it on TV, a sort of detached observation.

Time also seems to slow down and I am more conscious of every passing second.

I wonder if you also experience astral travelling, as this is something I also experience too. I think it may have something to do with our spirit being adept in separating from our physical bodies.



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