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Profile of John Titor

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posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 02:13 PM
I had an account here many moons ago with many more posts to my credit, but I have been waylaid by career for so long, it disappeared in the ether. I am now here with a brand new username to commune with friends and take my mind off of the world of media which dominates my profession. It's nice to be back friends.

I too first became familiar with John Titor's story due to the AboveTopSecret forums. As a fan of science, fiction, and science fiction, I was captivated. Unfortunately, I think he was a hoaxer too. I came to that conclusion based on his many contradictions, as did many others. Perhaps you disagree. Cheers. That's why I love discussion.

As a matter of fact, if you could somehow prove that John Titor wasn't a hoaxer, I would truly be overjoyed... because the science, the fiction, and all the fascinating factoids of Titor's story intrigued me endlessly. I would be thrilled if we could say that such a fantastic story is undeniably true. I could not come to that conclusion.

In the process of reading John's entire library of posts several times over the last several years, I came to arrive at the opinion it was a hoax, but I also began to get the impression that I know this person. The postings of John Titor were reading like a character in a novel by a writer at the top of his game. When I was younger and read Stephen King novels voraciously, I always marveled at how he could write a character that made me think "God, I know somebody just like that". I found myself feeling that way as I read and re-read the postings of John Titor, except in this case, I would argue the believablility of his story is due to the fact that what we're reading is flavored by the opinions and biases of the real person behind the John Titor postings. The complete John Titor collection of posts seems to suggest a highly creative false-premise, filled-out with glimpses of the real person behind the posts. As such, I believe we can create a "profile" of John Titor--the real author of the posts--based on the content of said posts.

Let me add a disclaimer: "I have some minor experience with profiling, I have some family members in Federal law enforcement, and I have other family members in the Federal penal system. None of that makes me an expert on profiling. Just my opinion."

John Titor is a conservative white male, quite possibly a senior citizen. This conclusion is based on his apparent reverence for all things old-fashioned and his tendency to wax nostalgic about the good old days when he's supposed to be describing what it's like in the future. What he's really describing is his own personal Utopia.

The people that survived grew closer together. Life is centered around the family and then the community. I can not imagine living even a few hundred miles away from my parents.

People spend more time talking because life is more centered around the community. I've noticed the same type of effect here when the power goes off. People tend to come out of their homes and actually spend time with their neighbors. There is a lot more personal trust and less paranoia.

People spend much more time reading and talking together face to face.

Hats are more common in the future and flashy colors are less common. Dress is much more functional and we "dress up" when ever we get a chance.

Religion is taken seriously

Those are but a few examples of dozens.

John Titor also appears to have had an agricultural upbringing. I believe this is corroborated by his multiple fond references to the ag arts and his anti-bioengineering stance.

you willfully eat poisoned food

Do not eat or use products from any animal that is fed and eats parts of its own dead

I suppose an average day in 2036 is like an average day on the farm.

I didn't realize how quickly I was running out of space... so...

2 B Continued

[edit on 1-3-2008 by moviepitchguy]

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 03:15 PM
I hope I'm not breaking the terms of service by continuing in a second post...

John Titor is college educated and highly intelligent. He makes multiple references to complex scientific concepts in his posts, seems to harbor a snobbish opinion of the undereducated, and may have a post-college background in engineering or mathematics. There are clever hidden themes, double entendres, and forward-thinking mixed with his blunders and contradictions.

Again in describing his "future", Titor says:

everyone can multiply and divide in their heads.

John Titor's political and social opinions make him a few steps short of the radical localist views of the Posse Comitatus--a movement which enjoys a strong following among those with agricultural backgrounds. His posts make reference to survivalism, strong local, county, and state governments, and a strong disenchantment with the federal government, the public school system, transportation, and healthcare. At one point he even uses the term "American Federal Empire" which is a term that is known to anti-government types.

The powers of the national government are more defined and reside more at the county and state level.

The war is a result of faulty politics and desparation from Western leadership during the US civil war

While you sit by and watch your Constitution being torn away from you...

The Constitution was changed after the war.

The education system has been through many changes. School in 2036 is no longer a political indoctrination system.

I was home schooled.

If a family wanted to move from one community to another or if a son or daughter wanted to move to another community, they must apply and be interviewed by the community leadership council. During this process, the family or individual is evaluated as to whether or not the work or skill they have is required or necessary to that individual community.

He also seems to exhibit many of the characteristics of a religious fundamentalist, and shows a distrust of huge organized churches and religions.

Yes I believe in Jesus Christ and we pray to God in churches. There are some differences you may be interested in. Religion is a major part of peoples life in 2036. Pain and change tend to bring people together andcloser to God. However, religion is far more personal than it is now. There are no huge, centralized religions and people talk openly about their beliefs. It might also interest you to know that the day of worship is Saturday, the day God meant to be the Sabbath and the 10 commandments have been restored to the "10" that God gave us.

In closing, John Titor seems to paint a portrait of a world where "in the future" all of humanity's shortcomings have been remedied to more closely resemble Titor's vision of how the world should be. Reliance on self, strength through manual labor, the near-elimination of an evil federal government, the fortification of local and county governments, and a society which when viewd in totality, to me resembles a "worker's paradise" that I'd like no part of.

Call me crazy, but I don't want to have to go before a panel of community leaders to ask permission to move to Jacksonville, Mr. Titor. Although I'm sure those county board members in the place where you live would probably like a governmentally approved council that could legally keep those pesky brown-skinned folk from moving into your town. Your ideal for our "future" will never come to pass. Although you intrigued me with your story "about the future", I don't share your pessimistic view of our current world and society.

Author's Note: John Titor AKA TimeTravel_0 is an internet poster who claimed to be from the future. Get all the info on this page of ATS.

[edit on 1-3-2008 by moviepitchguy]

[edit on 1-3-2008 by moviepitchguy]

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 05:39 PM
Mr John T is dying a death on the internet and they do say that all publicity, even bad, is some publicity.

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 10:14 AM
So, are you saying I shouldn't have posted this at all? I actually thought about whether I should post it or not quite a bit, considering the Titor hoax is widely accepted as such. I decided to post it after doing a search and coming to the conclusion that nobody I could find had ever made an attempt to profile the author of the posts. Hope that's cool.

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