posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 03:41 PM
Well, well well... imagine my surprise, a posting all about Coppola's
lesser-known sequel Apocalypse Sooner or Later.
The original with Brando shows the depravity that men will go to and
the depths (you can get a Navy boat up there) that plague's the human soul.
That said, the musical numbers in the 2nd one were quite good!
The gang of desperado grunts (no offence... none taken, prepare for e-vac) that set out to 'wipe out' a Godfather from his limb-adorned haven were
selected for their unique abilities.
Sgt Rock: not the one out of The Scorpion King or 'Are Stargates For Real?'
His skills at raising a single eyebrow and the ability to whistle while he works. Actually mentioned in a XTC song. (Fact... mostly).
Capt. Scott: Bang!! and the Cong are gone! His loud voice rang thru' the jungle proclaiming the virtues of Cillit. When asked if the chemical would
falter on the cleaning of laid-back Harley's, there's that famous moment when he looks to the cannon smoked-filled sky and shouts "Get to the
chopper" or the deleted scene "Are we Muthas?... We are Muthas"
'Bomber' Perlman: Did Hell-Boy, Beauty & The Beast with the pretty one out of Terminator. Expert in water-filled balloons and straight on thru the
Chompas... she didn't say "screw that".
'Must be a chick-thing?' (A 'thumbs up' from John Saxon in Enter The Dragon?)
Finally, Private Dancer: A dancer for money, and any old music will do.
In depth knowledge of weapons, explosives and Earth, Wind & Fire.
When Fredo is cornered and Rock asks if he can help him, the look on Fredo's face during the 'you mean nothing to me now' speech, should certainly
guarantee an Oscar.
Perlman plays an excellent cryptozoo... criptozol... a guy in ape suit, Rock relys on him for intel on Team ATS in Roswell NOW!, whatever that
'Dancer' shows how a younger generation can hope, believe that the horrors of war, can lead to a brighter future... It's your kids Marty,
something's gotta be done about your kids.
I hope this helps to further the debate surrounding this little-known movie.
Do I get my £5 now?
[edit on 2-3-2008 by IronMan]