DaleWildomar and Ahabstar,
Those are both great ideas, and I guess to some degree your right in that the economic issues presented to America at the moment, are probably some of
the most pressing issues.
There are however many more things going on and many more reasons to be angry.
Maybe they are driving the states economy into a dive as some sort of 'falseflag' or agenda pushing means
FREE-TRADE agreements. HA. free trade agreements are a laughable exercise. Idealistically designed to lower the cost of corporations going global -
and secondly to increase the potential market/increase customer base that one company can reach.
Increase the customer base, you have more people to consume your product, thus you have more profits, thus you can take over/ally with similar
businesses, then you can slowly raise your prices, not by much maybe an annual 1% over inflation, then you get even more
While those things once known as people - now known as consumers, suffer.
Thats all we are these days guys. Consumers,
statistics, numbers, mindless mouths to consume corporate BS.
EVERYWHERE we go today, is an overflow of information. Unless you live in a small town, and even then you still have to deal with it to some
EVERYWHERE. You have adverts on billboards, adverts on the radio, adverts on TV, adverts at the movies, Adverts in your mailbox.
FREE TRADE???? you wait till 'they' get free trade up and going everywhere. Imagine the
world then. We would almost totally be at the whim of
the corporations, and what they want the flavor of the month to be.
How many revolutionary new products do you want to here about in one day?
COME ON PEOPLE, what makes you mad? Economics? The fact that the media push these 'McDonalds' and 'Coke' ads on to you, and all you see is
great looking healthy people? WHEN THE REALITY OF IT IS A
[edit on 29-2-2008 by blurryone]