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Political Murder in the Netherlands exposed by 22-12-2002

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posted on Dec, 18 2002 @ 04:57 PM
In relation to the Murder of the alleged extreme-right wing candidate Prof. Fortuyn, MCC will publish the full scope of a very high level conspiracy as background to his death.

Please we kindluy ask you inspect our site and would like ask your assistance in mirroring it as it is highly probable that there will be attempts of distruptions

What will be published

Inclusion of a Mossad created video tape (mpg) showing the Prof. Fortuyn murder containing images of the roof positioned hitman, Volkert van de Graaf both his approach and actions, as also the exact actions of all witnesses on the murder scene.

Video images of the escape car and formation of escort as also the hitman entering the car.

Full evidences and research results both by SDN/EKC and own research and verifications, into the functioning of the Dutch Eco-Maffia, the roles of Mr. Donner and Mr. Pronk, full audio materials in respect to the Petra Lievense link.

Notice we applaud the couragious and dedicated work the SDN/EKC people, to whom all honor for the results we obtained rightfully belongs. for Dutch readers we encourage reading their outstanding work at SDN

Please stay aware of the dangers for political murder as outlined in Press Release IV at this time we have hope that publizing did avoid the plan from being excecuted, but high risk situations remain.

Important reading Chronology of the murder

Clearly the size of downloadable materials increased very much, to about 35 meg.

Urgent call to brave people in the Netherlands at this time, please do not underestimate dangerous now facing you

As of 22-12-2002 this site will publish the results of our investigations into the Prof. Fortuyn murder case.

The Dutch politician, and most likely Prime Minister of the Netherlands, fell victim to a sinister plot involving the AIVD (Dutch Intelligence), the CIA, as an facililtator, Mr. Bolkenstein (Dutch Euro MP) and a number of Dutch politicians.

formats: The report will become available as a series of webpages (such as will be published here) spread of a large number of sites, as well as in a zip and tarball. Contents:

A video fragment + analysis proofing that Prof. Fortuyn was murdered by two rather as by one hitman. The video fragment will be made available as streaming media as well as downloadable mpg.
A video file showing the get away car as it waited opposite to the Hilversum Media Park.
A video files showing the escorted get away car as it passes the BP casoline station at the opposite site of the A1, opposite from the direction it traveled
An audio file containing the intercepted conversation between Petra Lievense and the former Minister Pronk.
Several audio files containing statements by expert contacts.
Two audio files of private telephone conversations by Prof. Fortuyn as well as recording originating from his offices, proofing wiretapping on Prof. Fortuyn by the BVD (now AIVD).
Affidavits from contacts confirming the authenticity of all video and audio materials.
Approximately 15 meg of textual evidence, including two affidavits confirming pre-knowledge on Queen Beatrix part.
Method of publication:
In addition to publication on this site, the material will be mirrored on a large number of sites worldwide, of which the url's will be published here as well as in various forums and newsgroups.

Chronology Of A Murder
By Kamakura

This chronology is the result of our own investigation, witness reports, and highly reliable sources which, for obvious reasons, we do not disclose at this time.

May 6th, 17:25 to 18:45
17:25 Primary hitman (I will refer to him as Abu Fatah) enters the media park and takes position on the roof of the energy center. He unpacks his weapon which consists of a modified Firestar handgun allowing for shoulder support and by consequence much more precision.
17:40 Volkert van der Graaf takes position in the bushes close to the parking area. At this time, Volkert van der Graaf is unaware of Abu Fatah
18:05:59 Abu Fatah fires two shots hitting Prof. Fortuyn in the upper part of his skull causing mortal trauma to the victim. The time interval between the first two shots is a little less than .30 seconds. Vokert van de Graaf at this time is approaching with his gun drawn, however does not fire yet
18:06:02 Volkert van der Graaf seems shocked and slightly paniced
18:06:05 Volkert van der Graaf starts firing at the body, while moving himself arround in a left to right direction. His shooting can be qualified as uncontrolled. He seems to hit the, at that point, dead body in three instances.
18:07:49 Volkert van der Graaf begins his escape into the direction of where he initially came from.
Note: the sequence of events between 18:05:45 and 18:07:49 originate from a transcript of a video segment inspected by a highly reliable US source. The video segment currently is not yet released to us, however we may be able to present the segment in an internet usable format any time soon. In respect to the origin of the segment, our information points at it to be stolen by an for now unnamed US Intelligence Agency. It was made part of a set of security camera video images which were removed and subsequently destroyed by most likely the Dutch AIVD. It is however not at all unlikely that the segment was part of a clandestine CIA recording, in particular the time/date format on the video would indicate this.

18:25 A witness supposedly spotted Abu Fatah entering a dark blue 7 series BMW, at a location between the main entrance to the media park and the escape route used by Volkert van der Graaf. This car shorly halted at the right side of the Insulinde laan, the witness observed a male person of probably South European or Middle Eastern descent entering the car. Description; 5.9 feet of height, well built, dressed similar to what Volkert van de Graaf was wearing on the pictures of his arrest.
Note: This account originates from on single witness, even though his/her story seems to correspond to infomation we have received earlier, this account should be handled with care.

18:27 Two independent witnesses report to have spotted the "same" BMW crossing the overpass (railroad tracks) nearby the media center.
18:40/45 Three independent witnesses report to have spotted a dark blue 7 series BMW escorted by four Police or MP motor cycles travelling at high speed between Hilversum and Amsterdam.
Note: Information we received cannot be effectively verified at this time as the witnesses in question wish to remain anonymous. From information originating from various sources and contacts indicate with very high probability that Abu Fatah was extracted from the murder scene with help of the AIVD and rushed to Schiphol Airport from where he left the country.

Background to Abu Fatah
Various American and Middle Eastern sources identify Abu Fatah as hired from a contractor close to Syrian Intelligence who earlier had provided the hitteam responsible for the staged car accident that took the live of Mr. van Traa, who headed a Dutch Parliamentary Commission Of Inquiry into the Dutch leg of a sanctioned Narcotics/Weapons line via which CIA stages from Mena Arkansas were channeled into Europe and the Middle East. The Dutch leg which basically involved the Parimaribo/Rotterdam/Prestina segment became known in the Netherlands as the IRT Affair.

The contractor, Monzer al-Kassar (some background on Mr. al-Kassar), acted as the primary Middle Eastern middleman in this line, in part as a compensation for his loss of another sanctioned line which ran from Malta/Frankfurt/London to New York.

Mr. van Traa made the unfortunate mistake to aim at a degree of exposure far exceeding his mandate which turned him into a liability to be neutralized.

Result was that a team was hired in from Monzer al Kassar which staged the accident by a well know Syrian method involving a explosive charge (C4 in this case) to be placed a on (in this case) the left frontwheel suspension of the car which at a predetermined location (in this case just prior to crossing a road construction site) would be remotely triggered by a follow-up car.

Relevance to the Prof. Fortuyn case
Prof. Fortuyn, partly influenced by a Bouterse mole within his party, became overly interested in the backgrounds of the IRT Affair and attemted to pick up where Mr. van Traa had left off. His own probing and to an extend information he was feeded with from Mr. Bouterse, who had become the fallguy in the Dutch IRT cover-up, side developed plans to expose additional and highly explosive information about the IRT cover-up and the roles of prominent Dutch officials among who Mr. Teeven, Mr. Korthals, Mr. Kok, Mr. Docters van Leeuwen (ex director of BVD) as well as the roles of the CIA, DEA, CID and BVD causing what could have become a very major national and international upset, to phrase it mildly.

The Mr. Teeven, Mr. Korthals, Mr. Kok, Mr. Docters van Leeuwen aspect
During the early nineties when Mr. Docters van Leeuwen was in function as Director Of BVD (now AIVD) ex Prime Minister Kok was for all intends and purposes an BVD operative who worked or facilitated in operational aspects of the Dutch leg of the sanctioned narcotics/weapons line mentioned earlier. In the context of this role Mr. Kok was faciltating not only the BVD but various foreign Intelligence services amomg which the CIA, DEA and by implication Syrian Intelligence through Monzer al Kassar. In 1993 after the IRT Affair came into the public attention Mr. Kok continued his facilitation and active involvement with the IRT cover-up.

In 1995 a deal struck between Mr. Kok and Mr. Teeven in which Teeven would would provide information about future narcotics/waepons deals ad corruption cases. In truth an axis Teeven/Kok was created allowing for the undisturbed operation of sanctioned lines as well as the provision of means to control possible leaks and oposition of members of the Dutch Political and Legal system. Spring 1999 Mr. Teeven produced and handed out to "het college van procureurs generaal" and the Minister of Justice at that time Mr. Korthals, a list containing 80 names of Dutch Politians, Judges, and high level civil servants who who found themselves in blackmailable positions. Information contained in the list rangend from sexual exploitation of minors to corruption and abuse of power. Important is that this list provided a garantee that what had to stay under wraps would stay under wraps. In addition this list, which as to this date is with Mr. Teeven, formed the foundation for the Dutch collusion-system to remain operational.

In December 1999 Minister Korthals, after an investigation into the allegations made in the Teeven Dossier, asserted that no conclusive evidence could be found for either the risk of blackmail or corruption. In effect Mr. Korthals became, as in fact he been for a long time, a co-conspirator in the Kok/Teeven/van Leeuwen/CIA/BVD/CID axis.

Where it is commonly assumed that this axis (minus the CIA which is never mentioned in this context) its main purpose was to minimize the damage suffered from the part exposure of IRT and savely keep the whole issue within the crimminal circuit rather as in the larger perspective of the CIA operated line. Mr. van Traa however proved unwilling to go along and suffered the consequences.

An important aspect of the whole was that, largely due to the efforts of Mr. Docters van Leeuwen, the surinam co-conspirator Mr. Bouterse was dumped and turned into an international crimminal to prosecuted in the Netherlands for among others his role in the shared narcotics/weapons scam. In effect Mr. Bouterse became the sacrificial lamb for the sins of the operators in the Dutch leg.

It may be obvious to even the most trusting citizen that the combination of a Dutch Secret Team and the Teeven Dossier ideal circumstances are created for the operation of a block of controllers and a climate in which cover-ups are easily maintained, by means of blackmailing potential deserters.

Relevance to the Prof. Fortuyn case revisted
As was indicated Prof. Fortuyn bursting into the political scene unaffected by prior affilication with the control structure and imune against most forms of blackmail, the fact that he was an homosexual who frequented the socalled "dark rooms" could hardly be used against him as he used to be rather loud about those aspects of his live, and determined to overthrow and/or exposing the ruling establishment for what it is, made him into a liability. This conjunction with own findings in the IRT context, Prof. Fortuyn was painfully aware of the existing conspiracy within the Kok/Teeven/van Leeuwen/Korthals/CIA/BVD/CID axis and its potential to blackmail a significant part of the Dutch Political/Juridical Establishment.

In addition, by means of Mrs. Bijlhout who remained loyal to her former employer, Prof. Fortuyn had received extremely damaging information from Mr. Bouterse, who largely for personal reason was more as only a little interested in setting the record straight, allowing him to effectively expose the full story of the Dutch leg and to make matters worse cause very serious damage to the CIA for their role in the cabal.

Intermediate Conclusion
In short the circumstances indicated in the above form the background to the use of Middle Eastern and namely Monzer al-Kassar's resources in the murder case. Clearly what is presented here by no means is complete or detailed but solely serves as an explanation of the role of Abu Fatah in the Prof. Fortuyn murder case.

Subsequent articles will go into far more detail and will provide sufficient evidence for an evaluation of what has been asserted here.

posted on Dec, 18 2002 @ 05:01 PM
The new politics of hate
By Pat Buchanon

"Volkert van der Graf, 32, is a slender, blond-haired Dutchman whose pictures reveal nothing special except perhaps a taut, ascetic look.

"But for almost a decade, friends and associates say, this quiet man and strict vegetarian has been consumed by his fight to reduce the suffering of animals reared in industrial quantities for food, fur coats or medical experiments."

Sounds like a description of St. Francis of Assisi, doesn't it? But it is not. These are the lead paragraphs in The New York Times story that describes the enviro-fanatic charged with gunning down Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn outside a TV studio this week.

What the Times does not describe is the pivotal role played by the European establishment and media in creating the climate of hysteria and hate in which a fanatic like Volkert van der Graf might feel morally justified in murdering Fortuyn.

Since Jean-Marie Le Pen carried 17 percent of the vote in the first round of the French election, it has been Hate Week across Europe. The Left has gone berserk, savaging populist leaders who challenge the EU or demand tougher immigration laws.

Fortuyn, whose party was running first in some polls for the Dutch elections this month, got the full treatment. Denounced as a "dangerous man" by the Dutch finance minister, he repeatedly protested that he was being demonized. Yet, day after day, it continued. He, Le Pen and Jorge Haider of Austria were painted as extremists or neo-fascists. Europeans were admonished to unite to stop the spreading menace. In Europe's media, it is open season and the Populist Right has become a free-fire zone.

The results are now in, and the European establishment is as much to blame for this man's death as the Likudnik fanatics were for the murder of Yitzhak Rabin, whom they painted as a traitor and Nazi for his willingness to trade land for peace.

In the two weeks between the first round and the run-off of the French election, there were riots against Le Pen, he was shouted down when speaking to the European parliament and his press conference had to be canceled because of threats of disruption. And who protested these fascist tactics? Meanwhile, President Chirac was given a free pass as he trashed French tradition and refused Le Pen's challenge to debate.

The message sent by the Euromedia: The Populist Right is an illegitimate force in the New Europe and tactics that might be judged fascist if used by the Right may be used against it, and absolution is available. Umberto Boss, whose Northern League is a partner in the government of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, said Fortuyn was killed in a "climate which the left has created and continues to create throughout Europe with the help of the media aimed at demonizing all who oppose what they think."

What were the sins of Pim Fortuyn for which it was acceptable for the Dutch finance minister to brand him a "dangerous man," and for others to call him an extremist and neo-fascist? What made this liberal and open homosexual a man of the Right, whom it was acceptable to vilify? Fortuyn had linked immigration to crime, called Islam a "backward" religion, and was campaigning to maintain the ethnic and cultural identity of the Dutch nation and people.

That Fortuyn had thrown off the morality of his church did not matter. His unpardonable sin that cried out to heaven for vengeance was that he rejected the higher truths of multiculturalism.

There is a new totalitarianism afoot in the West. Unlike the Stalinist form, it does not use police-state violence to command conformity. Its method is to redefine Rightist positions as evil, the product of a hate-filled or diseased mind, then read the Right out of the human race. Thus, anyone who argues that immigration has become so huge it threatens national cohesion or security is a "xenophobe." Oppose racial quotas, and you are a "racist." Defend the all-male military schools like VMI and the Citadel, and you are a "sexist." Oppose homosexual marriages, and you are a "homophobe" who hates and fears homosexuals.

Scholar Paul Gottfried has called it "the dehumanization of dissent." First, you strip away an opponent's claim to decency and fair treatment by painting him as a right-wing extremist and hater, then you wash your hands of culpability when some wacko concludes he is doing the world a favor by murdering him -- like they murdered Pim Fortuyn.

posted on Dec, 19 2002 @ 06:24 AM
So why can't they publish it now. It's almost been 9 months now. Did they need time to doctor up some mpeg??

posted on Dec, 19 2002 @ 07:16 AM
ccmcc, you did 2 long posts, but 2 very good posts !

You are aware of what's going on in the EU now.

[Edited on 19-12-2002 by ultra_phoenix]

posted on Dec, 19 2002 @ 10:36 AM
I don't buy it. It sounds like propaganda, especially the second post.

posted on Dec, 19 2002 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
I don't buy it. It sounds like propaganda, especially the second post.

I was sure that you woudn't buy it !

Unfortunately, it's true. What's going on in the EU is terrible.
Eu civilisations are collapsing in the name of a so-called multi-culturalism.

posted on Dec, 19 2002 @ 11:41 AM
Do you know how many Dutch people hate other cultures and don't want to see them in their vicinity???
They practise something I'll call "closet racism". They especially don't like muslims. I'm serious. Go to a small town with someone other than Dutch and people will be staring at you. In big cities like A'dam, R'dam and Utrecht it's less, but still present.
Most allow multiculturalism, because they think it enhances the way other countries perceive them.
Do you want to know what they really think? Go to any Dutch forum online. But not all are so though.

posted on Dec, 19 2002 @ 11:55 AM
For the record: After Fortuyn died, the guys backing him up messed up so nicely that after 89 days the cabinet could again pack its bags. Populism is really bad news for a country, in terms that people come to power on just a few issues. About the other things they know so little and they mess up so nicely.(Some guy wanted to bring back the death penalty, although against Dutch constitution)
Everyone has the right to campaign, and populists are also eligible, however, rasicm and discrimination are serious crimes. So when our to be populist politicians(Also Fortuyn!) consort with convicted extremists and racists, I think it is our right to say he's dangerous man..

posted on Dec, 19 2002 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by ultra_phoenix
ccmcc, you did 2 long posts, but 2 very good posts !

You are aware of what's going on in the EU now.

[Edited on 19-12-2002 by ultra_phoenix]

Dear Ultra-Phoenix

Firstly I feel most flattered by your kind words, in relation to the ongoing in Europe we have keen awarenss. In particular in respect to Bilderberg like programs and policies enforcing an anti democratic Super State as one step toward One World Government and total dictatorship.

For this reason also our activities in Europe, as similar development are ongoing in Asia and the Americas.

We must be keenly aware of the use of the multi-culture weapon used by the power elite to degrade populations by destroying their internal unity, homogentical stucture and purity.

When a population is to be controlled it is essential to dull their senses, unity and cultural values. It is this realization on our and my part as a Japanese Nationalist. Please we don't hate other cultures but we strongly fight to keep our own culture in all its beauty and for me superior qualities.

Please is I am saying, we Japanese are superior but only that Japanese Culturr is superior for Japanese, like the culture of your heritage is superior for you.

Multi-cultural policy is breaking the abilty of resitance in populations making it so much easier to control.

Why we have put focus on the Netherlands case of Prof. Fortuyn, firstly because very serious mistakes have been made in their cover-up allowing us to strike and secondly because The Hague the Netherlands is becoming the Juridical capital of the world, from where law is abused for the evil objectives of the Global power structure, we call the Global Cabal.

Please my hop you can agree with my views and our policy objectives.

Sincerely -Oyako Shimura (CCMCC)

posted on Dec, 20 2002 @ 07:01 AM
Devils Advocate, you are too much brainwashed, like TB795

Read more carefully what's ccmcc wrote on his post. Peoples like you will try to show him like a crazy nazi who want to kill all the peoples who are not like him, but you wrong.

Populism is NOT nazism.
Populism mean taking care of his own peoples.
Populism it's when there is one job available, you'll give it to someone from your country and not from someone from another country.
Populism, it's helping your own fellow citizen FIRST !
Populism, it's protecting your culture, history, values, religion(s).
Populism, it's YOUR COUNTRY FIRST.

20 years ago, nobody were speaking about multi-culturalism. And now, multi-culturalism is the panacea and if you don't agree with the correctly politically line on this matter, it means, OF COURSE, that you are a nazi or a fascist !!!



Tsss...tssss... Why do you think that populism is growing up everywhere in the EU, USA and Asiatics Nations too ???? Cuz a great majority think like this but don't dare to write/say it.

When policy makers do things that peoples aren't agree or don't want, they have to be fired.Even by force if necessary ! Otherwise, it's a dicatorship. And now, we are living on a multi-culturalist dictatorship. A dictatorship runned by the minority, in the name of a so-called multi-cultaralismwho have ony one goal :THE ERADICATION OF OUR FREEDOM.

When someone don't agree with your politically correctness, he's a black sheep.

posted on Dec, 20 2002 @ 07:16 AM
Dear Oyako Shimura,

It seems that we are agree on many things.

I hope that you'll write others good posts, specialy on the multi-cultaralism matters. But don't be surprised if you have many peoples who shout on what you write.

Anyway, ATS is a multi-cultural board.
But like for everything, multi-culturalism have 2 sides, like a coin.The good one, and the bad one. Unfortunately, it's often the bad one who's promoted, and not the good one.

Some peoples don't understand, or don't want to understand, that it's possible to live in a world where each country have his own culture, religion(s), history, etc etc... but don't have to be mixed with each others.
They think that everything have to be mixed in a giant mixer.
They don't understand that we can live in peace,even if we are not mixed.



posted on Jan, 1 2003 @ 05:52 PM
Ehmm, Ultra-Phoenix,

I am a Dutch national. One of the aides to Fortuyn was a member of the prohibited party CP'86, an ultra-right wing "populist" party. In my opinion, consorting with such figures is very dangerous... But maybe that's just me. I wasn't calling Fortuyn a rascist by the way, I wasn't calling him a Nazi, however, I've seen the movie "The Wave", and I suggest you do the same and then tell me whether you think this particular situation is dangerous.

Ow, and might I ask where the link is that is supposed to show the evidence. Thank you..

posted on Jan, 21 2003 @ 05:20 PM
Due to Fortuyn's party messing up last year in the government with CDA, PVdA may suddenly win the election again tomorrow with as result, the same or very similar mess of a government of the late nineties...


posted on Aug, 14 2003 @ 08:23 AM
So I check back after some time.... Still no sign of the video... ... Don't think it's going to happen though....

Guess the baseless claims dept. is open again for business..

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by ultra_phoenix
Devils Advocate, you are too much brainwashed, like TB795

Read more carefully what's ccmcc wrote on his post. Peoples like you will try to show him like a crazy nazi who want to kill all the peoples who are not like him, but you wrong.

Populism is NOT nazism.
Populism mean taking care of his own peoples.
Populism it's when there is one job available, you'll give it to someone from your country and not from someone from another country.
Populism, it's helping your own fellow citizen FIRST !
Populism, it's protecting your culture, history, values, religion(s).
Populism, it's YOUR COUNTRY FIRST.

20 years ago, nobody were speaking about multi-culturalism. And now, multi-culturalism is the panacea and if you don't agree with the correctly politically line on this matter, it means, OF COURSE, that you are a nazi or a fascist !!!



Tsss...tssss... Why do you think that populism is growing up everywhere in the EU, USA and Asiatics Nations too ???? Cuz a great majority think like this but don't dare to write/say it.

When policy makers do things that peoples aren't agree or don't want, they have to be fired.Even by force if necessary ! Otherwise, it's a dicatorship. And now, we are living on a multi-culturalist dictatorship. A dictatorship runned by the minority, in the name of a so-called multi-cultaralismwho have ony one goal :THE ERADICATION OF OUR FREEDOM.

When someone don't agree with your politically correctness, he's a black sheep.

I'm dutch too and i can tell you Fortuyn was very scary for those who think normally. He shared many of your "idea's" which are indeed fascist. I am very glad someone has killed him. I has been the best thing that happen to our county in a long time!

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 01:25 PM
its cristalclear!!!
nothing beats the system.........

posted on Oct, 3 2016 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: ccmcc

Good stuff.

Politics is dirty everywhere.

Pim Fortuyn was killed by Volkert van den Graaf, so goes the story.

The story was a little different.

Theo van Gogh son of a high ranking Dutch secret senior agent made a film about the killing of the Killing of the Politician Pim Fortuyn.

This film was never aired but only released on the internet.

The film above had Theo van Gogh killed.

The killer of theo van Gogh was senteced to live in prison but is now somewhere where he can not influence other inmates.

In other words, the Killer of Theo van Gogh is free.

Not around other prisoners, and we have no prisons for just one person in the Netherlands.

So the film above caused the death of Theo van Gogh, not his anti Islam speaches.

The killer of theo van Gogh had connections.

The taps of the phone from the police were in posession of of Mohammed B, member of the Hostad group.

A fake terror organisation, Muslim naturally.

The investigation of the killing of Fortuin had Theo killed.

The story he was killed by a fanatic moslim is just a story.

Right wing politicians had the secret service killed Pim Fortuyn.

He was a threat for the State.

Nut true, but he was a threat for the old way of politics and the old politicians.

The film of Theo van Gogh makes a lot clear, to much.

After all his father was not a nobody in Dutch secret service circels.

Theo had his connections too.

The fact that the killer of Theo van Gogh is not around prisoners tells it all.

He had the taps the police had put on him.

Again; Watch the real reason why Theo van Gogh was killed

The film is highly accurate.

All names and places are correct.

The fact the killer of Theo van Gogh was in possession of the police-taps, tells about the link with the Dutch secret service.

Pim Fortuin was killed, but not because he said something about Islam or the Prophet Mohammed.
And either was Theo van Gogh.
Old power in politics had a hand in it all.

I first saw this film as just a film.

Now the killer of the this filmmaker is not in his prison, tells me he has been rewarded very well.

Probably zipping tea with lady Diana in a Arabic palace.

Story's where someone tells someone is dead, are not to be trusted.

Like Bin Laden.

Not killed either, just a story and a helicopter tail.

The rest is Bull****

The Dutch CIA is called aivd.

A small under funded secret service but with highly fanatic secret agents.

Size does not matter, it's about how good you are in the job you perform.

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