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Fellow Truthers, help me out

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posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 09:34 PM
Hi. Newbie here.

Don't know what to believe when it comes to 9/11 conspiracy theories, what I know I don't believe is the official report, too much evidence against it.
Everybody I know personally however accepts it. What do you say to people when they tell you that a boarding pass surviving not only a plane crashing into the Towers, but also survives the collapse? What the hell do you say to people who will go as far as grasping at straws saying news reports posted online are "faked"? Finally, what do you say to people who are determined that the facts presented in everything from Fahrenheit 9/11 to Loose Change Final Cut are nothing but lies?
Do I accept everything blindly? No. Hell, there are people in the Truth Movement who think a freaking UFO flew through the Towers hence making them collapse. That's bull. It's people like that that give people like me a bad name. I have no idea what to believe, whether the government simply allowed it to happen(which would make them just as guilty as the hijackers and Bin Laden), or whether the whole thing was a lie and the planes that crashed were not piloted. I keep an open mind and look at both sides, but how do you get through to those who cover their ears and eyes to anything other than the official report?

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 09:46 PM
The first thing I can suggest is to question those who told you there is an "official report" with "too much evidence against it."

You'll find that there is a massive amount of evidence from multiple sources that the 9/11 Truth Movement claims is just a "story" because they haven't been able to refute it in the six years since 9/11.

In other words, always take the responsibility to question those you are inclined to believe and ask yourself if what they are claiming is true.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by jthomas
The first thing I can suggest is to question those who told you there is an "official report" with "too much evidence against it."

You'll find that there is a massive amount of evidence from multiple sources that the 9/11 Truth Movement claims is just a "story" because they haven't been able to refute it in the six years since 9/11.

In other words, always take the responsibility to question those you are inclined to believe and ask yourself if what they are claiming is true.

I think ANOK put it nicely:

Originally posted by ANOK
No bud it's about the physics, how many more times does this have to be explained?

You are looking for an agenda to again try to discredit PEOPLE instead of looking at the facts of the case.

It seems it's you that has an agenda. You're not interested in the truth, in fact I think you know the truth and are trying your hardest to cover that truth by character assassination. You think we haven't dealt with this here before? Cpt.Obvious tried, you know why? Just look at my sig...He had no argument, just like you...

Please explain how 3 buildings globally collapsed at NEAR free-fall speed with no apparent sign of resistance, i.e. the collapse wave didn't slow down, as it should have, as undamaged structure bellow the collapse wave would have slowed the collapsed. But that is assuming it was floors falling on floors, which it wasn't. Their is no other choice but to believe there must have been more energy acting on those building than gravity would supply.
Sorry bud, but try to refute me if you can...

Edit; (BTW I have NO affiliation with whatever it is you're trying to claim with your OP. I'm just a disabled vet with a lot of time to kill)

[edit on 27/2/2008 by ANOK]

But I'm sure the buildings falling at free fall speed was because of the heat, after all, what is a collapse SUPPOSED to look like? A building collapsing and demolition look exactly the same anyway.

[edit on 27-2-2008 by crazy and unpatriotic]

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