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Sightings will increase until 2012 and here's why...

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posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by VisionQuest

I don't know if I agree with your premise that ETs have encoded us to save the planet. That being said, there is SOME phenomenon going on that intensifies as we approach 2012. Some of us actually feel it. There seems to be a separating of the "good from the bad" , the "wheat from the chaff", the "carers from the non-carers", the "planetary citizens from the jingoists", the "creators from the destroyers". ET could have the responsibility for this in some way. ET could be the biblical deities. We know nothing for sure. But, the Mayans did predict the end of their calendar to take place on 12/21/2012. That is the precise time that the earth's precession completes its cycle; the time it takes for the earth's wobble to begin and end again at its starting point which takes approximately 26,000 years. And as it does, we earthlings find ourselves aligned to the exact middle of our Milky Way galaxy. Coincidence? I think not. What will happen has been suggested and debated by many. Your premise is as credible as any. The one thread that seems to stand out is that there will be an accounting; Those who have earned their universal status will continue onward into a higher consciousness while others will not. How this is done is not the ultimate question. How we can include all, is.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 08:39 AM
(roast marshmallow and bites into it, then takes a nice sip of juice. to early for liquor. well, not really. hahaa)

first of all, dont get mad and ignore someone because they ask you to provide a little background for you believing what you believe. if your belief is solid, you should easily be able to say why, or at the least, pull forth a few references to back up your claims. especially on the 2012 topic. it is very touchy

Since we are the ET's experiment, they have genetically coded and programmed our DNA to make a huge sudden leap in 2012. Less evolved humans may not make the leap. ET's are saving our planet "through" us. Those who choose progress and healing will advance, and those who chose the denser energies of brute force and resistance will stay here. The world will split into two realities. New Earth/Old Earth.

okay, i want everyone here to stop, and be absolutely realistic about what im going to say here. which is, many people speak of progress in a sense that, if you are not completely positive, loving, and selfless, you are not seeking for the progression of mankind. this notion is ridiculous, because i dont know if you noticed, but all progress mankind has had so far, is from the good and the bad coexisting in the same space, and the good and bad coexisting within you.
it truly amazes me that so many people have so much spiritual, healing, loving, hubla to say, but some basic philosophies are so overlooked. yes, there are things such as necessary evils, yes good and bad are completely subjective, you cannot be aware of bad, and think you can live in a utopia of good little angels, the simple awareness of "negative" actions is enough bleach in your water to get something awry.
this is such simple thinking. you can come to these conclusions without reading a book. just look at who you are,why you are who you are, and why the world is the way the world is. all you people who have a new inkling for loving thy brother, and accepting all, and being at peace with the planet, and animals, and what not, should (as crazy as it sounds) thank every mean, disgusting, lower than dirt, piece of garbage out there, because without them, you would not have come to your realization, and would just be floating around ignorantly bliss. sounds wild right? lol. well its very simple cause and effect. people just like to stand on their pissy little pedestal, and look down on everything, as if they came to their conclusion without the help of anyone.
so what do you do now when you have to thank the devil for creating all that is negative? (metaphorically speaking) now we run into quite the dilemma. can you evolve without positive or negative aspects? how do you learn anything, if everything is the same? does ignoring the positive, or negative aspects make them go away? nope. if we are all connected as one, space and time are merely illusions, yourself, a thing within space and time, is nothing more than a nice illusion created by your consciousness for you to enjoy the ride here on earth, and you are just a big part of the "universal soup", then can you ever really escape pain and death, any more than you can escape love and life?
the problem is, people dont know how to properly balance themselves out. you need to learn to accept the fact that sometimes you want to, and some people need to, get punched in the face, for if your always smiling, trying to ignore that part of you, it will eventually gain enough strength to overpower you, and then once it does break loose, you either gain an obsession for its strength, or you break down for you are ashamed at what you have done, but if you had just stopped for a moment and accepted your anger, and released your anger somehow, it would not gain so much power over you. you can flip that any way you want, i just used that as an example.

point being, it is not about being completely positive, and going into the light of healing, thats still not good enough. for evolution you need both sides of the coin.

then you ask, well given the current state of affairs in the world, and the way its going, how do we fix it? its coming to a boiling point as we all can see, and i dont think its just because we are more informed now than we ever have been, with the net and all. i find the internet to be more of a synchronicity, then a coincidence, but im just gonna stop their, and end my rant.

im just sayin, i dont like all this positive light, we will leave you brutes, as we ascend beyond such simpleness, bull crap. its so ungrateful, if i was the devil, i would be pissed off. how can man think he is better than me because he loves, and i hate, my hate taught him how to love. ungrateful humans. im thinking that is somewhat what he is thinking. the devil would be imbalanced himself, and not all powerful, we only let negativity overpower us, its not really that strong, and neither is the all seeing light of love and healing. a true master walks between both lanes, manipulating destruction and creation, love and hate, as he sees fit. but we all cant be gods, right?

so, by by light healers, catch ya on the next go round, because what goes around, comes around, and nothing is new under the sun baby. im sure this same life program we're going through now, has been done before, maybe with slightly different results. wouldnt that be a trip. if its just a revolving party. sometimes with advanced technology. sometimes with ogres, witches, and magic, but in the end, the same game.

just enjoy the ride. its inevitable. but i guess i shouldnt hate. thanks light healers, you bring interesting stuff to the table for me to evaluate and learn from, and thank you devil, for you teach me not to be soft all the time, and just run and kick some arse, and bang some hot chicks. thank you all. good day. but i will say, come 2013, if all is still pretty much the same. we should have a march in dc, just getting drunk, hittin on women, cursing, you know, all the anti light stuff. that would be awesome, or if we're wrong, we might be running for our lives. lol. who knows, and who cares. i got money to make, and good times to enjoy. i leave caring about dates to others who would rather spend their life worrying about a possible inevitable, just to say i told you so, rather than just enjoy life up until then. but again, we all cant be the same, and thats great.

ultimate combooooooooooooooooooo rant

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 09:01 AM

then you ask, well given the current state of affairs in the world, and the way its going, how do we fix it?

you dont try to fix it all. you can take steps at a time trying to fix things, for i do believe that the planet is a bit 70 30 right now, in the more negative aspects of human culture, are taking over the positive, but thats just my point of view, which is somewhat skewed by the media i must admit, and my own natural pessimism, but im sure still has much validity to it. people still want drama, but i think they're tired of all the killing and what not. it has become a bit much.

rant later. gotta go

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by VisionQuest
Since we are the ET's experiment, they have genetically coded and programmed our DNA to make a huge sudden leap in 2012.

I - and others I'm sure - have trouble accepting declarations of reality without anything tangible. You should have posted this in Skunk Works.

Also, Dan Burisch is not widely accepted as a credible 'source'. In fact my opinion is that he's a fake. And I'm not the only one sharing this opinion here.

In the Earth's book of history, 2012 is known as the year the Legendary Humans arose. Entities and time-jumpers from all across the universe are coming here in the moments before/during/ and after 2012 to re-live and witness this event to see how it happened and how we did it. To see how we healed the Earth and ended tyranny.

Can we do it?

And isn't this a paradox? If you believe your theory, your question doesn't make sense.

According to your theory, 2012 is the year we healed Earth and ended tyranny. Then why are you asking if we can do it? Your theory is based on the fact that we did... in the future.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by VelvetSplash

Originally posted by VisionQuest
I you re-read my post, you'll see that the first word is "theory". So no, I don't have any evidence. But I do like my theory. Is is compiled from different corroborating sources within and without the govt. Sorta like a metaphysical cocktail.

What are these sources (or sauces, since it's a cocktail)?

It's all very well saying 'it's a theory, it's a theory, it's a theory' whenever anyone asks for further explanation, but what is the theory based on?

If you break down the SOURCES of all these THEORIES - the date of 2012, the idea that human beings are an Alien experimentation in cross-polinating DNA for the creation of a worker bee race, ET visitation, all these things - when you look at where these ideas STEM from, these are your SOURCES. If these sources are bunkum - then all you're doing is perpetuating the same mis-informed bunkum and fairytales that have already been quashed.

2012 is yet to arrive, so even though it has been quashed as out and out bunkum, I doubt it will be leaving the popular consciousness just yet - But by golly, when 2013 rolls around and we're all still tapping away on our keyboards on ATS, I sure as heck hope all the 2012 people won't be throwing around another magical date they all jumped on like sheep - 2020 has a nice ring to it, don't you think.

I do remember a time, in the not too distant past, when ATS was a forum for more than writing bad sci-fi synopsis.

I could not agree w/ this reaction anymore

[edit on 27-2-2008 by VelvetSplash]

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by VisionQuest

Your DNA? In all you cells? You understand that DNA codes for proteins, right? That these proteins are what we're made of? That this is all very delicately balanced?
If your DNA changed in any significant way, it would very likely kill you quickly. If it happened in just some of your cells, and they continue to grow and divide into new tissues, we call that cancer.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 10:48 AM
Homo Sapiens constructed the first organized civilizations about 10,000 years ago. As a species we have reached our pinnacle and are tettering on the slope towards a decline. We will be lucky to be in a civilized state that has any of the advantages that we have today in 100 years. Technology will prevail to destroy us before it redeems itself in our favor. This is the price we pay for self indulgance, greed and political plays for power.
In 1000 years the Earth will start over again with a new evolved species by exterminating the now inferior human race. The new race will hunt down and eliminate the lower orders, much like what we did with the Neanderthals. The cycle will continuely restart itself many times over until we evolve enough to flee this planet. This will be long before the sun destroys it.
At our current pace of decline and our current level of evolution we will destroy our planet (and ourselves) long before the sun or a large astroid brings about a forced change in the cycle of life on Earth.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by skept!cal

I don't recall mentioning anything about a "worker bee" race. Fantastic option though. Your mind must be aglow with transient nodes of thought, careening through a cosmic vapor of invention.

[edit on 28-2-2008 by VisionQuest]

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 11:15 AM
The thing this thread does not take into account is parallel universes. In one possible future we might end tyranny, etc, but that is not garunteed to happen. If we all have predetermined fates, there is no point in living. The actions we take now will undoubtedly affect the future. I think this is an interesting thread, but we need to share research and evaluate sources. What is this book that says what happened in 2012?

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 11:19 AM
I'd say that this thread has really gone the way of the bizaar.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 11:31 AM

Homo Sapiens constructed the first organized civilizations about 10,000 years ago. As a species we have reached our pinnacle and are tettering on the slope towards a decline. We will be lucky to be in a civilized state that has any of the advantages that we have today in 100 years. Technology will prevail to destroy us before it redeems itself in our favor. This is the price we pay for self indulgance, greed and political plays for power.
In 1000 years the Earth will start over again with a new evolved species by exterminating the now inferior human race. The new race will hunt down and eliminate the lower orders, much like what we did with the Neanderthals. The cycle will continuely restart itself many times over until we evolve enough to flee this planet. This will be long before the sun destroys it.
At our current pace of decline and our current level of evolution we will destroy our planet (and ourselves) long before the sun or a large astroid brings about a forced change in the cycle of life on Earth.

technology is inevitable, and the abuse of it for personal gains, or for the betterment of the whole, is also inevitable.
the new race will hunt down and eliminate the lower orders? im assuming they are playing god for the greater good. so the EVOLVED become beast, to hunt the beast, only to pretend they're not beast themselves?
what actually will make these people "evolved" over others? oh you dont know? of course you dont, because its garbage. your just basically speaking of another level of separation, similar to what has been repeated over and over again in history. no matter if its the new age hippies, vs the "lower beings", the blacks vs the whites, etc..., a group of people deeming themselves better than another for whatever reason, and taking them out, means that they themselves are just repeating history again, and some may say, histories mistakes, which does not make them any better.
so our purpose is to keep evolving until we can flee the planet. LOL!!!!! thats our big purpose behind our evolution. to leave the planet and settle somewhere else, only to start the same thing over again? life is just a big game. man, this stuff amuses me. i need a beer.

the reason people attack all this 2012, new age stuff, is because its filled with stuff that just makes no sense, and most that speak about it on the internet, are usually just contradicting themselves, and never have a solid argument behind what they are talking about, which means that, even if there were some decent evidence, that you would have to suspend belief a little, you are not helping to bring that evidence to light and educate folks.

its like, someone will make a post like the one above, and anyone with half a brain, will look at that and go, huh. why, for what, who said so, huh. and the response is usually, i dont need to show you proof, this is not some science theory for you to pick apart, its happening now, and the light warriors are forming. lol. the logic in these 2012 threads, and talks on indigo children, and the new coming age, is usually just so flawed, that its beyond suspending disbelief to allow the possibility, it just makes no sense. im not speaking on quantum physics, or consciousness, where yes, sometimes our reality makes no sense. im speaking on just human behavior, basic psychology and philosophy.

no, you're not better than me because your about peace and love, but are willing to kill those that dont abide, or leave behind those you dont deem fit. no, you're not special because you're an empath, and naturally rebel against authority. that does not make you an indigo child, that makes you a human. no, philosophically, and theoretically speaking, it does not make sense that one can be part of a whole, but not a part of the whole. ie... you cannot be completely light and love, without darkness or hate. that test has been tried, and has failed over and over again. you see the priest and the sex scandals. you see the catholic school girls turned girls gone wild. you see the ruthless gangbangers who turn their lives around. i cant deny that a non dual world might exist. it seems unfathomable, because if we're all apart of a large primordial soup of something, then there is no escaping it. darkness will always find its way to the light, and light will always find its way to darkness.

ah cool, i just saw how they solder whole circuit boards. interesting machine.

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