I think that we should just have a memorial. Nothing more. A large garden or something of that nature. Or just build a new set of towers in the
One of the things they suggested was (I think) double-reflection pools with ,like.... Small statues of the WTCT.... I think..... That was for a
memorial, obviously, so....
There was a tolerably informative "special" on this on BBC World Service this morning (my time) and the general impression was that this will be a
tall, impressive, architecturally-ambitious, structure: not a simple memorial.
I remember seeing that shortly after the attacks. You just gotta love that statement! (Of course, some nice anti-aircraft batteries on top of each
finger would be needed...)
Hate to sound like a pessimist, but they'll end up finding a way. I mean, they bombing the former WTC in '93, and the they caused 'em to collapse.
They'll unfortunately find a way, although by that time Osama himself may be the only one left... in which case... WOOHOO!! Bye bye OBL!!