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Recent quake

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posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 04:03 AM
Having just had an earth tremor here in England , that really shook me up, I went to see what was going on, on the uk MSN hompage.
When I got too the news story there were other links to Quakes that has happened around the world.
I was somewhat suprised and also concerned to how many there was, is it normal for there to be this many at the same time, have I reason to be concerned, are there more than normal at the moment.
Could some one please explain too me as normal news sites, do not really tell you much, and I am sure ATS is the place too get a proper answer, as too the statistics of quakes at the moment around the world.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 08:09 AM

Hey there,.

Have a peek at the thread above as it pretty much covers what you are asking as well,


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