posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 09:25 PM
Hi, my parents got divorced when I was very young, probably three. I always thought I was kind of "Lucky" my parents got divorced when I was at
such a young age because I didn't really understand what was going on around me.
I do think it would have been harder for me to go through a divorce in the family if i was older, especially anywhere between the ages of like 7-15...
I think when kids experience a divorce in this age range they often blame themselves for their parents split.
I'm just wondering, if you don't mind sharing, who else has gone through a divorce or has experienced a divorce in the family, whether it be your
parents or someone in your family very close to you.
How did you cope with the divorce? Do you think it's easier on a child when the parents get divorced a very young age, somewhere in their teen years
or some time much after that, in their young adult lives?