reply to post by menguard
None of this is new. In fact, John Wyndham wrote about alien intelligence and spontaneous human evolution over 50 years ago, disguised as science
fiction. Most notably, "The Kraken Awakes" which I read as a kid retitled "Out Of The Deeps" struck me more like future history than
entertainment. I've written about this connection before. Really, go read that book and post here when you've finished.
Important points of merit in "The Kraken Awakes" / "Out of the Deeps":
1 alien colonization would focus on the ocean
2 alien intelligence and motives would not be understood
3 alien technology would manipulate pressurized water
4 alien war response would produce new biotechnologies
5 alien strategy would engineer global warming through heating of oceans
6 human responses would be slow to recognize the potential environmental threats
7 major redistribution of human civilization would result in political instability
8 people are resourceful and will reorganize
Important points in "The Chrysalids" / "Rebirth":
1 History becomes allegory over time
2 Political will is the power of the few over the many
3 Human evolution happens in great spontaneous spurts
4 Most people are afraid of anyone different
5 We can affect great change when we focus our collective will
I'm not sure how Wyndham knew but I DO have a theory based on that last item. Namely, that any of us can connect with the greater collective mind and
get swept away in a current of new ideas. In retrospect, it's easy to confuse this with prophesy or even political complicity.
If aliens are here, they would be in the oceans first and they would have a better understanding of our world than we do. If they wanted to change the
climate, the ocean would be the fastest way to do so.
The greater reality is that we MAKE reality. It's a construct of our collective will. If we, as a people, believe that we are evil and deserve to
destroy ourselves, we just might. I happen to think that any alien intelligence is making itself known to enlighten us on our latent ability to
reshape physical reality. We have to dream big and imagine something better. This is why culture and the arts are so important. At their best, they
lift us up and show us what is possible.