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'Ufo's changing the Earths Blueprints from Underwater'

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posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 01:32 PM
Here's some more interesting information:

On on small scale lets say they make Earth a Neutron.

Encarta Dictionary:
elementary particle without a electric charge

a neutral elementary particle of the baryon family with a zero electric charge and a mass approximentaly equal to that of a proton.

Perhaps we would no longer need to stay in this frequency band if we don't carry an electric charge. We could move outside of orbits and planets and solar systems, because nothing would hold us there.

Being neutral would hold some (timejumping) capabilities, we could slip in and out of the electrical universe into others. We as humans would be able to go outside our Known Universes into others, no promblem.

I think I am onto something.

[edit on 27-2-2008 by menguard]

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by menguard
The dolphins reached the 2012 before we did, they couldn't pick up the Earths electromagnetic balance because their compass didn't have directions for that. So they shot to land, but their bodies weren't ready to take on an upgrade yet. I think those dolphins thought that they could sustain only on land, and beached themselves, they got ahead of themselves.

Hey, nice thought.

The US nuclear submarines new sonar was driving the dolphins to suicide. Now, when they are close to land, they turn it down. I saw that on discovery chanel the other day. Disinfo...?? I think the report was a good reasonable explaination. They played the sound the dolphins would hear. I wanted to kill myself, and I knew what it was.

I understand the whole matrix of the earth is now on a new grid, bringing new energy. The tired fieling people are experiencing is due to this new grid. Can you feel this, op?

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by win 52

No different when I am on my computer for too long, I get headaches, low frequency waves affecting brainwaves, affecting emotional output.

My little daughter can here it well, she says it hurts her ears, thats why I try not to stay on the computer for to long, screws up the bodies electric charge, thus doing wierd things to the brains frequency waves and thought patterns.

To much of a good thing sometimes.

Also did anybody else experience some headaches, in the third eye region yesterday?

[edit on 27-2-2008 by menguard]

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by menguard

I'm loving the input on this thread ... feels so good to stretch the brain again ... I seem to have been on 'hold' for most of last year ... but have felt like I'm waking again since the beginning of this year.

Headaches in the third-eye area yesterday ... Yes ! I had since put it down to the quake we had in England (around 1am) ... also had it today though.

High Frequency in my ears (usually the right one but occasionally in the left too)... like someone tuning a radio in ... for years. It's usually the precursor to something spiritual happening (for me at any rate).


posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

That was probably why my head felt like I was being hammered with some information yesterday. Especially in the pineal gland area.

Ultra low frequency waves indeed.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 08:09 AM
As I have repeated many times that they are in the deepest of our waters I looked up where some of our deepest waters are.

Marianna Trench and Puerto Rico Trench are just two areas and I thought it was interested that near by is the Dragon Traiangle in the Pacific and the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic.

I stopped there but I know there are more, what we have to do is start putting our heads together and making connections.

I know that they protect this planet and will not allow us to destroy it. I know they monitor everything. What I don't understand is why they are made out to be all bad.

As with the human race some are good and some are not so good like the human race. I don't feel it would be correct to beings from elsewhere to consider all humans bad because there are a few bad humans.

I will go by the words I was given, when it time you will know and whatever is to be will be.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 03:16 PM
Yesterday, feeling a bit off, headache in the left brain, around the area of my stroke in 2005 (which was a complete life changing event in more than one way); I went for a walk.

I swore to my friend...about 30 years ago... "If you ever hear of me hugging trees, take me out back and shoot me, because I will have outlived my usefulness." Well, yesterday I kind of did just that. I didn't put my arms around the tree, but I pressed my heart area tightly to the tree.

It took a few minutes, but a peace and connection with the earth came over me in a way I have never experienced before in my life. In fact, I am going out today to do just that again, (in a secluded spot where no one can see me).

I did live near a radio station transmitter for a while. The ringing, humming, static, in my head was wild at times. I found the ability to shield out that static. I could turn up the shield at will, and it would get real silent.

Now that I am in a better place, things have settled down a lot.

So my friends, hug a to the earth through a tree, for an energy boost. It is quite refreshing.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by observe50

North Atlantic Ridge is another one.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 12:50 AM
More then fifty five percent of U.F.O's are reported coming from our oceans.

If I wanted to use cover along with shelter from a density change going from a higher density to a lower one I would either stay in the water or air.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by menguard

None of this is new. In fact, John Wyndham wrote about alien intelligence and spontaneous human evolution over 50 years ago, disguised as science fiction. Most notably, "The Kraken Awakes" which I read as a kid retitled "Out Of The Deeps" struck me more like future history than entertainment. I've written about this connection before. Really, go read that book and post here when you've finished.

Important points of merit in "The Kraken Awakes" / "Out of the Deeps":
1 alien colonization would focus on the ocean
2 alien intelligence and motives would not be understood
3 alien technology would manipulate pressurized water
4 alien war response would produce new biotechnologies
5 alien strategy would engineer global warming through heating of oceans
6 human responses would be slow to recognize the potential environmental threats
7 major redistribution of human civilization would result in political instability
8 people are resourceful and will reorganize

Important points in "The Chrysalids" / "Rebirth":
1 History becomes allegory over time
2 Political will is the power of the few over the many
3 Human evolution happens in great spontaneous spurts
4 Most people are afraid of anyone different
5 We can affect great change when we focus our collective will

I'm not sure how Wyndham knew but I DO have a theory based on that last item. Namely, that any of us can connect with the greater collective mind and get swept away in a current of new ideas. In retrospect, it's easy to confuse this with prophesy or even political complicity.

If aliens are here, they would be in the oceans first and they would have a better understanding of our world than we do. If they wanted to change the climate, the ocean would be the fastest way to do so.

The greater reality is that we MAKE reality. It's a construct of our collective will. If we, as a people, believe that we are evil and deserve to destroy ourselves, we just might. I happen to think that any alien intelligence is making itself known to enlighten us on our latent ability to reshape physical reality. We have to dream big and imagine something better. This is why culture and the arts are so important. At their best, they lift us up and show us what is possible.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 02:29 AM

I also found it comforting to hear that you'd been shown this 'grid' via your clairvoyance ... I have been 'shown' similar things concerning 'grids' around and through our planet.

A genuine question: when you have been 'shown' things by clairvoyance, how do you know to trust them? Our minds are capable of many tricks and delusions. There is obviously something about the visions you see that convince you they are real, that they are trustworthy. What is that? This is something I need to know because I have come into contact with many people who have received insights this way.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by DickKennedy

I also found it comforting to hear that you'd been shown this 'grid' via your clairvoyance ... I have been 'shown' similar things concerning 'grids' around and through our planet.

A genuine question: when you have been 'shown' things by clairvoyance, how do you know to trust them? Our minds are capable of many tricks and delusions. There is obviously something about the visions you see that convince you they are real, that they are trustworthy. What is that? This is something I need to know because I have come into contact with many people who have received insights this way.

Some just know how to do it, you take a trip through your minds current to oustide energies and the screen comes up.

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