posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 10:59 AM
i remember this artist. the fact that once again a florida sea "something" made it into ebay kinda throws me off this one. it is probably done by
the same artist that did the merman and the farie that sold on ebay as well.
his method is to make the "artifact" and claim it real until it sells on ebay then he will release a video or post on his website how he made it
using regular household items.
the fairie that he sold for about $300Pounds was made with dry leaves twigs chicken bones and a mini skeletal model kit. you can see the fairie
here is the proof that it was all a hoax. but some people still belive it was
more proof
this is the artist i was talking about that did the merman hoax in Florida and sold it on ebay
i wouldnt be surprised if this is one of his new works or someone imitating his style