posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 12:38 PM
First of all,hi ppl.It's my first post here.Allthough i found this site by searching for "mythical beasts" etc a handfull of ppl in that section
(especially the ones talking about "vampires") changed my mind and today i found this.
It's funny because there are plenty of times that i've said and thought this (us being a virus) though i've never heard a theory like that.It's
just what i think with all those things i see around me.
There are lots of ppl that refuse to see it as a possibility only because their ego's.There has to be a reason for them to live,there
is a role for them on earth,they are special.There are Oh so many reasons and excuses for a person to pick one and say "I live for a
speciffic reason."
Offcourse i'm not saying that i'm positive about it or anything,offcourse not.It's just that this is the "result" that i get.
A simple virus,any virus,can really realise what its doing...?I believe that it can't.If it's true,then why would we be able to realise it? (once
again,if we are a virus offcourse)
Someone justified would say "So,you and those ppl who think like that are something special?Or maybe just smarter than us?" No,offcourse not.Those
who question things and who think with an alternative way,in my opinion,are just random,nothing special.
So,there's no reason for anyone to get upset with a thought like that.
I'd like to say something about the "aliens" matter (if they exist offcourse) too.
Maybe they're just testing...What they're testing?Us...I'm sure most of you know some theories about the human civilization starting,eventually at
some point dramatically ending and then starting all over again.
If that's true (there's always "if"),then was the human kind evolving always with the same way,same technology,same way of thinking?If
not,could that be a circle of experiments of someone (or someones) trying to make and perfect something...?Us...?
Offcourse i have no answer to any of these.Since aliens got mentioned i thought to share this scenario.
Excuse me for the long reply but these forums are a good opportunity to share thoughts and opinions.Also sorry for any mistakes in my post but english
is not my mother language.