It sounded silly to me at first that this creature could even be real, however I heard that carcasses of this creature have been found on multiple
occasions and photographed.. I decided to check the photos out for myself. This is what I found...
Links to the photos of possible cadbosoraus carcasses:
From Wikipedia..:
"Cadborosaurus willsi", nicknamed "Caddy", is the name given to a sea serpent reported to be living on the Pacific Coast of North America. Its
name is derived from Cadboro Bay in Victoria, British Columbia, and the Greek root word "sauros" meaning lizard or reptile. The animal is similar in
form and behavior to various popularly named lake monsters such as "Ogopogo" of deep interior lakes of British Columbia and to the Loch Ness Monster
of Scotland.
There have been more than 300 claimed sightings during the past 200 years, including San Francisco Bay, California and Deep Cove in Saanich Inlet,
British Columbia.
Cadborosaurus willsi is said to resemble a serpent with vertical coils or humps in tandem behind the horse-like head and long neck, with a pair of
small elevating front flippers, and a pair of large webbed hind flippers fused to form a large fan-like tail region that provides powerful forward
propulsion. It has been proposed that through a process of locomotory body transformation, the long slender body can be doubled up into rigid vertical
humps that effectively reduce the contact area of the snakelike body surface with the water and enable the animal to attain speeds of more than 40
km/h at the surface.
There are intersting photos of a carcass within a sperm whale stomach which is supposedly a juvenile cadborosaurus. Called the "Naden Harbor"
photos, some claim they are the more solid photos proving that at least something like the cadbosoraus exists.
Tonite I ran across an interesting website here. It includes about a dozen photos of a carcass of an unknown "creature" found by russian soldiers
that looks an awful lot like descriptions of cadborosaurus:
Excerpt from the above link:
creature was found by Russian soldiers on Sakhalin shoreline. Sakhalin area is situated near to Japan, it’s the most eastern part of Russia, almost
5000 miles to East from Moscow (Russia is huge). People don’t know who is it. According to the bones and teeth - it is not a fish. According to its
skeleton - it’s not a crocodile or alligator. It has a skin with hair or fur. It has been said that it was taken by Russian special services for
in-depth studies, and we are lucky that people who encountered it first made those photos before it was brought away.