posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 11:32 PM
Hi There,
I have seen the film and I have to say that it is a well presented and formidable viewing experience. It is numbing. Not simply for its factual
presentation in the way American soldiers handled alleged terrorist detainees, but more for the fact that the Bush administration not only knew about
the harsh treatment of torture meted out, but actually instigated it.
When it all came out, the scapegoats were the very soldiers whom were carrying out the orders, and they paid the price. However, the price they paid
was not as harsh as the those 85 detainees merely suspected, never proven of being terrorists, whom were tortured and died at the hands of their
No doubt, some Americans viewing this film will look upon the detainees and hold not a shred of empathy or sympathy for them, their prejudice and hate
will run too deep. To such people there is nothing I can say, until the spark of a conscience reignites within them, they like Bush, and all his
cohorts, are be lost to humanity. Americans have a bunch of sociopaths running their country, and I suspect it to be similar in other countries.