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Organization of ATS IF a coup happens

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posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 05:35 PM
I was just reading over TrueAmerican's thread about the US coup that many here believe to be a possibility, but i think that one thing we all have been missing is: Yes, here we are an organized organism of knowledge and manpower, but what happens if this Coup does become a reality? every single one of us knows this site will probably be one of the first to be shut down. this site allows for planning and the free exchange of ideas, perhaps seen as a danger to the new "couped" govt. without a means of organization and communication, all of us are only as good as our own wit and the bullets in our clip. as freelancers with no organization failure is only imminent, but if people had a way to communicate and and organize, we could have a chance. Now my question is how? understandably the US is huge, but if people in local goegraphic locales could get together, it would be much more efficient. but i just cannot think of any way any of us could get together if this did happen. or even if a coup doesnt happen and the white house dubs this site a threat to the US, where would we all meet? we have no fail safe, we have no plan B, any thoughts guys and gals?

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 06:06 PM
I hear you. It has been considered. As in real life, it is a matter of trust and practicality.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by MiRRoR_MuSiC

How funny is your question? People have to rely on themselves, and as much as I like ATS, it will be every man for themselves.

While I think Springer is really cute, Overlord wise, and wait, who's the other one? (sorry, I am not sure who the other one is, of the 3 amigo's)

I do think they will have their own lives to worry about let alone the people on ATS!

The whole point to this site, if I am not mistaken is to find out the truth for yourself, so you can plan for yourself.

Learn what you can, and take it from there. Do you really think anyone would attempt to put themselves in danger over what you suggest, to keep an internet site running?

Look, go enjoy life for what it is right now. People of like minds will find each other in such a scenario, why worry?


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