posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 01:04 PM
While no expert on this subject, I considered some possible explanations from various viewpoints.
Psychoanalytical- You were mad at your mother and grandmother for putting you to bed and controlling your life in general, and after thinking before
falling asleep they were wicked, you dreamed witches flying in your window.
UFO conspiracy- The witches you saw were not, in fact, witches, but were really aliens and they had come to take you up to the Mothership to be
probed. After hitting you with a mind eraser beam, you remember none of the events that followed. Thankfully.
Reptilians- Your neighbors had been taken over by shapeshifting reptiles, and they shapeshifted into witches to fly into your room and inhabit your
body. Are your pupils still round? Or slightly slitted?
Alternate universe- Your childhood home was on a rift in the time space continuum, and as you were falling asleep that night the entire house shifted
momentarily into a universe where witches are real.
Changeling- Your mother and grandmother are not your REAL relatives, you are in fact a changeling, and the witches that flew into your room are your
real relatives, coming to check on you.
ESP- you are fine, and nothing bad happened to you, but you do have psychic abilities and the witches you saw were in fact psychic visions of
something that really happened, but not in the time and space that you were physically in.
Just a few possibilities.