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racism and cops

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posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 01:59 AM
ok so something just occured to me after reading a post in skunk works about a forbidden experiment. if you guys read my first post you know i joined after seeing some mods take care of this guy who looked like he was being racist and it gave me the confidence to get on here like that. anyway so after i read the post there in skunk works it got me to thinking about racisim and cop haters, how they aint both no good, but for some reason people dont have no tolerance for racists. let me try to reason this out because i think its reall good.

any look here at what the guy said about chimps learning how to do something with sticks:

I think the problem with the experiment is that we are not separate from our environment. We've arrived at our current situation quite naturally. We have a culmination of knowledge that is passed down verbally and through records. I believe that some other animals such as chimps pass down information too, such as using sticks to eat termites.

We could say that a chimp discovered this behavior by curious chance, and others who observed recognized that using a stick to get termites yielded a greater reward. With the discovery of the action that yields a greater reward, the action is repeated by others through imitation. The brain plays are large role in this situation, because it must be able to recognize the benefit of the action. Now the action has been introduced into the society, and it is shared and passed down - not by record keeping, but by imitation. It was that one curious chance that spurred the result of the discovery. If this knowledge was somehow lost, it would be, by chance, learned again.

ok so the guy said racism was a meme that has been passed down from long ago, so i didnt even know what that was i had to look it up this is what it means:

cultural characteristic passed down generations: any characteristic of a culture, e.g. its language, that can be transmitted from one generation to the next in a way analogous to the transmission of genetic information

heck, i thought, thats basically the same as what he was talking about with the sticks! i reckon that little meme or whatever is passed down by families and societies, or even like he said by chance from some type of interaction.

so i was thinking, people who hate cops dont really hate the cops, they just hate the behavior of the cop. so they just hate a certain behavior, and then they say they hate the cops who are identified by his uniform and behavior at the same time, and later on just the uniform so these people jsut hate all cops, they don't trust up em. that sounds like the same thing as racism to be, expect with racism the uniform is just the skin. but its not really based on the skin though, its based on the behavior of certain races that you see that you lump together just like with cops, and people just use the uniform/skin as a description because they too ignorant to say they hate the behavior. you could say well the cop can change his uniform, but that aint right because cops aint gonna change their uniform just because people hate him.

so i guess my question is why does ats allow cop haters on here and not people who just seem like racists? i guess this can apply to many difference too. i mean, they are both ignorant sons a you know what if they are. anyway i think its kinda funny that i joined up because i thought the mods were takin care of the racist guy, but he got me thinkin a little bit. so i was reading through my first post again and someone said this to me about ats:

You need a two sided discussion to get a deeper understanding of 'your enemies' Know your enemy so to speak. Get informed here, get organised somewhere else.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:00 AM
and then i remembered what i had said about the guy wanting a discussion instead of a debate and indentying with a racist and some such, but he ended up gettin banned for that. i think i mighta joined up here for the wrong reasons i reckon.

so whats the difference between cop haters on here that say all cops should die or they can't be trusted, and someone who says something kinda racists but is still within the policy?

you guys know what im talkin about? this is kind of hard to explain here so hopefully you do.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:04 AM
and then i remembered what i had said about the guy wanting a discussion instead of a debate and indentying with a racist and some such, but he ended up gettin banned for that. i think i mighta joined up here for the wrong reasons i reckon.

so whats the difference between cop haters on here that say all cops should die or they can't be trusted, and someone who says something kinda racists but is still within the policy?

you guys know what im talkin about? this is kind of hard to explain here so hopefully you do.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:10 AM
The difference between anti-copism (or... whatever
)and racism is that cops make the choice of what they want to be. Very few of them make it out of a desire for community service. Those few that are "good cops" still assicate with, favor, and defend the "bad cops" because police training creates a seige mentality - it's hte cops against the rest of the world.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

cops choose to have a job, but the cops that who dont choose to act a certain way like tazering everybody are still a victim of copism (?) just because they have copskin (uniform). those cops didn't chose to get judged by their copskin, but they still do. just like people of a certain race fall under the same stereotype just because of their skin color.

choice to become a cop doesnt have much to do with it i dont think because a cop can quit whenever he wants, but cops dont really quit just because they are hated. i think maybe in the same way victims of racism dont quit life just because they are hated.

Very few of them make it out of a desire for community service.

you are doing it righ there. what is the difference between that and saying that most black people dont speak proper english?

The difference between anti-copism (or... whatever
)and racism is that cops make the choice of what they want to be.

see thats bs too. cops and different races make the choice of what they want to be (their behavior) but they both don't make the choice about their skin (uniform).

actually i think racist stems from the fact that you say "they dont get to chose what they want to be"

thats automatic racism because you are judging by their skin color right there and not their behavior, saying "they don't have a choice" that aint right man.

you understand what im trying to say?

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 12:58 PM
You know, that's not a bad theory. Some do indeed hate the uniform, rather than the man/woman inside the uniform, hate what they represent rather than what they actually do.

Granted that some of the police do act in a reprehensible manner, it isn't all of them that act in that manner. Though you wouldn't know it from some of the responses that come along.

Still and all, an interesting way to phrase it. "copism", I like it.

Starred and flagged.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 11:33 AM
Being a racist and having a dislike of law enforcement are two different ideas.

I am so tired of people bringing up the "race card". Get over it. It's time to join with all people to find ways to fight much more important problems like hunger, disease, homelessness, and many other serious events.

Why can't you/we be color blind to skin color? It is counterproductive to dwell on the differences in color of skin. My daughter in law who is normally a very pale white skinned person lays in a tanning bed everyday to darken her skin. A friend of mine who is black uses creams to lighten her skin. That is screwed up to me. My skin is usually a bit pinkish and it's going to stay that way. We are what we are. Live with it. Embrace it.

As for cop hating. Well.......I have very little respect for the uniform. With or without the uniform the cop is still the cop. Most of the cops I've met have been arrogant and most unfriendly. I do not and never will depend on a cop to protect me from anything. Not a cop hatter....just dislike them. Must add that there are exceptions......there are a few fine law enforcement officers that I respect highly.

It makes me a bit ill just discussing race. The "race card" needs to be destroyed and not played again. We are all members of the human race. Together we can make the world a better place. We must join as one against our enemies.


posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 07:41 PM
I hear what you are saying and agree.

I am actually appalled and shocked at the hate comments and calls for death of cops that I read here and is allowed to remain here.

It would never fly for me to make a comment that I want all parents to die based on the parents who are horrible. After all the job of parent is one of the most important jobs.

Criminals choose to be criminals, yet I would not be allowed to call for their death because they are a burden to society. What if I said criminals had no worth to society. No allowed.

Are there bad cops? Yep. However, they are bad people in a certain job. And yes they should be held accountable....just like any bad person should be.

What people fail to remember is....cops are people....they are human and deserve the respect until they break the law. To hate a person because of their job is incrediby shallow and ignorant. Just as ignorant it is to hate all parents because many parents abuse and kill their kids....hate all firefighters because some go out and start fires so they can be the hero and put it out.

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