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Military says missile hit spy satellite

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posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by V Kaminski

Thanks for the suggestion, though I've watched that dang DOD video probably 50 times now, and what I saw was definitely detached from the satellite itself.

I actually never saw the rocket, though a friend of mine claimed to have seen a quick bright white flash cross the sky around the right time.

So, it would seem weird to me that I would only see a single green illuminated section breaking off, but not see the rocket, tail, trail or anything.

In addition, there was no explosion, brightness increase, nuthin.

It simply changed color and faded downward.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by LockwithnoKey

Maybe it was unrelated? It would seem to be a one off event. It could be important for you personally so write it down and think about it. Document what you can and remember it. The Northwest has a long history of "strange" in the sky.

If let's say it was a piece of copper... green would be natural. Not many copper meteorites (other stuff can burn green) on a daily basis I'd bet. That day. Plasma can show white through many colours... plasma has been seen surprisingly in foggy mountain valleys.

I've seen a couple of things in the sky in my life that I have no idea about and that's why I look. Just try and figure it out is all one can do.

The US military is just in the way of a good view sometimes, they make a better door than a window... NASA - simply my fav - check their homepage today. Shana's collar matches the website "true blue/through the lens darkly/techno/neon/goth thing" (I'm just old, I liked the old NASA site)... it's all a jumble of busted links...interesting blog she writes...

I'd expect the hoaxers, spinners and evangelistas to start up the "machine" of ideas and merch some alt.videos. What if the NRO sat (sub your agenda here)... that sorta stuff. Make no mistake the US has very, detailed photos and telemetry of all manner. So likely do the Russians. They both have rocket scientists and a vareity of orbital assets beyond what either (and more perhaps) publicly acknowledges. Many listed... some likely not. Ground, space weapons are weapons... got lots.

I'll be so glad when this administration is gone and the next President "looks under the hood" at NASA. The great powers of this planet must simply find a way to co-exist regardless of ideo-criminality/virtue or our world leaders are going to get a great many more folks dead.

STS-123 Kibo is progressing to the FRR. Atlantis is being processed for 125 Hubble. 123 pushes every human performance parameter to the limit - never been done. New level of working in space maybe even with our own friendly species seems so possible. Nope, butt, flying monkees, evil wizard Glick, frotose eye. LOL.

I am surprised that no statement has been issued at DoD of the 24-48 hour confirmation period General Cartwright alluded to. I've been checking DoD clips and Pentagon TV. I guess it's important to tell the Chinese before the people who paid for it...

Space is the new wild west. The debris of a shootout is just South of Hawaii right now 153 miles up at 4.68 miles per second... they possibly ought to be done "assessing" and issue a statement. Maybe it's been "kicked upstairs"? I was impressed with two journalists at those press conferences.
They got shut down. It goes over my country too.

Cheers, look up when you can safely,


[edit on 22-2-2008 by V Kaminski]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 07:56 PM
link most certainly was all part of the same event, no mistake.

I tracked the path of the satellite for about 30 seconds prior to this green thing dropping directly down from the exact spot that the satellite was in at that moment. This was also a good 20 sec prior to the dissipation of the satellite into nothingness.

I have another question that ya'll can probably help me with.

I was thinking that the satellite had not yet entered our direct resistance atmosphere when it was taken out, that's why it had no tail. So, would debris from this at that altitude fall downward toward earth or would it scatter in all directions?

Thanks again, I gotta get some of these things figured out before I go into full on conspiracy mode. Plus, how can the only video available be from the DOD?

[edit on 22-2-2008 by LockwithnoKey]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 08:41 PM
Cool. That sounds like the event.
If the green thing departed USA 193 - unless 193 was struck... is what I would call out of the ordinary. At that altitude there really shouldn't be any plasma anyway. Shouldn't. Just by chance did the green thing look like this old colour-altered image in general shape?

Did it maybe looks like solar panel or perhaps dish shaped? For anything to depart at those velocities in micro-gee without "something" externally affecting it before missile strike would be unusual... after, not so unusual... for anything to move lower in the orbit with any great speed relative to the primary object would be even stranger.

The SM-3 is multi-stage solid fuel. Hmm, I'm at a loss and I'm a bit tired... what could it be... hard to do from a verbal description.

Maybe write down what you saw or if you can draw or have drawn a couple of drawings? Right now there are two schools of thought on the particulars of the configuration of NOR L-21. Some claim photos. One or maybe both will be incorrect.

I'm glad you saw what you did and more glad that you brought it to the community

Oh, the videos and pics are all public access... do a Google on DoD. I'm not one to snoop where there is a door locked or closed. Across international borders that can be serious and I don't need the hassles but it is interesting to watch in some ways how the data is spread about.



[edit on 22-2-2008 by V Kaminski]

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by V Kaminski
Cool. That sounds like the event.
If the green thing departed USA 193 - unless 193 was struck... is what I would call out of the ordinary. At that altitude there really shouldn't be any plasma anyway. Shouldn't. Just by chance did the green thing look like this old colour-altered image in general shape?

"Sorry can't see the pic"

Did it maybe looks like solar panel or perhaps dish shaped? For anything to depart at those velocities in micro-gee without "something" externally affecting it before missile strike would be unusual... after, not so unusual... for anything to move lower in the orbit with any great speed relative to the primary object would be even stranger.

"I agree, I don't see how something that came off of it could come straight down without moving along the course of origin. I am curious as to whether the debris after impact would also come straight down?

The SM-3 is multi-stage solid fuel. Hmm, I'm at a loss and I'm a bit tired... what could it be... hard to do from a verbal description.

Maybe write down what you saw or if you can draw or have drawn a couple of drawings? Right now there are two schools of thought on the particulars of the configuration of NOR L-21. Some claim photos. One or maybe both will be incorrect.

I'm glad you saw what you did and more glad that you brought it to the community

Oh, the videos and pics are all public access... do a Google on DoD. I'm not one to snoop where there is a door locked or closed. Across international borders that can be serious and I don't need the hassles but it is interesting to watch in some ways how the data is spread about.

"And to add strangeness, no video or pictures of this event seem to exist on the net other than the DOD released one. And I have a problem with that video because of the timeline that corresponds with the events in it.



[edit on 22-2-2008 by V Kaminski]

[edit on 13-3-2008 by LockwithnoKey]

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