posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 12:09 PM
First of all, I don't think the NY Times article said that there was a sexual affair. If Iseman and McCain both deny it, unless someone ELSE comes
out with proof, that would be a hard one to prove.
In addition, the Bill Clinton affair pretty much put to rest the idea that any significant portion of the population really gives a hoot.
Of course, the more significant aspect of this, is if it could be proven that McCain's vote was influenced in any way that hurt the American people.
Lobbyists are not illegal, and unfortunately, it would be hard to make them illegal, because they would just find a way to influence congress members
through some other means.
The fact is that lobbyists whole
raison d'existence is to influence members, by "educating" them on a subject.
Thus, in order for this to have a lasting effect, someone would have to find a vote or action of McCain, where the common good was damaged by that
vote or action. That may be a VERY hard thing to do, especially since the Times SAT on this story for over 8 years. They had 8 years to find such a
situation, and the fact that they have not, makes it extremely unlikely that it will be found, if indeed, it occurred at all.
The effect this will have is:
- There will be a lot of material for the cable network shows, the newspapers, and bloggers over the next several months
- We will see lots of new pictures of Vicki Iseman
- There will be lots of Vicki Iseman items on Ebay, you know, old nightgowns supposedly worn by her, etc
- The rag sheets have plenty of front page material now
"America, WHAT A COUNTRY". (Yakov Smirnoff said this, and I give him full credit for this quote. I wouldn't want to be accused of Xeroxing my