posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 11:26 AM
Originally posted by Neariah
second as a parent and tax payer I agree with you on some aspects.. but unfortunetly I think that these are times we need to intervene.
You think so but nothing has really changed since the dawn of man (aside from our technology and our ideas). Do you really think you'd change
Do you really think you can reform a rapist, a murderer, or a molester? How about all in one with a dash of "out of their damn minds"?
I'd love the hear the idea of how to magically turn hate to love in a prudent fashion.
Mass genocides should not be going on period.. our children their children the worlds children is growing up with enough violence and
atrocities that happen in this world...
The world is unfair, always has been, and it always will be for the simple fact that there can be no equality. Any act of balance commits violence on
another in some fashion.
What should be and what shouldn't are pleasant for story books, but I'd rather work on our problems first, while simply informing them to get their
act together and take care of their own problems.
As i said before someone needs to step in for the defensless .. I am just so thankful for the life I was given and that my short itme on earth
is not lived in the terror other people must go through.
Aside from children under the age of 12, no one is really defenseless unless they allow themselves to be like slaves, cattle, surfs, or any other type
of lowly creature. They can fight, they can kill, they can burn and they can destroy.
This nation was founded on terrorism and treason. I don't expect any more out of our people than I do theirs, but donate if you will, hire some
soldiers of fortune, and take care of it that way if you are so inclined.
However, don't sit back in a comfy place asking to spend my money to no benefit to my children or family because you feel bad the world sucks and is
full of crazy humans.
We are savages and will never stop being so.