posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 06:34 PM
Beginning Monday, Febaruary 24th 2008, we are going to be initiating the Primary Debates for the Presidential Elections.
The make up of the debates will vary and the number of competitors will not be limited to two. We are looking to have as many candidates as possible
involved in this process, and this is the time when we are expecting candidates to inform the voting public why they deserve their vote.
We will run straight forward debates between two competitors on a pre-arranged subject matter. We will also run debates among several competitors
where a subject matter will be presented and the participating candidates will take turns replying to the thread. To promote continuity, time
restraints will be utilized but will be flexible.
If you the voter have a subject matter that you wish to have presented to the candidates, you can u2u myself or budski, and we will present it
to the candidates in an organized debate. If your question or subject matter is used, your name will be referenced and we will issue a bonus of 1,000
AP points to your account.
More to follow...