posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 10:56 PM
tonight , i am feeling some ire .. i have supported hiliary clinton , as the best of the horrible.i still think her better than any other
'candidate' ..but she has come down on the side of columbia .,and columbia is as corrupt as the bush administration . i hear drug lords still
control , our newest most valued mercenary recruits are from columbia and a horrible eco-crime that i witnessed , was carried out by u.s. hired
henchmen from columbia.bad hiliary ! bad-bad hiliary , you have disappointed me , the columbians are 'bad' guys ! i believe in democracy ,the
constitution and the bill of rights , separation of church and state , freedom of speech and an observer , of the capitalist ruling nabobs
, , the overwhelming greed , avarice and complete evil of the insatiable monster-elites , their total disregard of any sanctity of living beings....i
have come to the conclusion , that it is 'they' , that must leave the planet , for the greatest good. i find it ironic , the name "fidel" IS the
opposite of 'infidel'....the natural born son of angel castro , and descendant of king david.a sephardic jew from spain.god blessed you , well done
, fidel ! the sephardic jews were blamed throughout history for many things , that they were not guilty of. it was those 'other' jews (the elite
ones) the 13th tribe known as ashke-nazi , formerly known as khazars and ALWAYS known as 'the moneylenders' that did the dastardly deeds.including
WW2 and hitler, all a part of a wide dragnet ,they is them , that has hi-jacked america and its military and it is them that keeps israel as
'antagonist'. i think fidel castro passed on a while , ago ...and HE WON.