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Media/Government's ridiculous conspiracy control strategy

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posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 07:33 PM
I've watched this video on youtube and this really pisses me off. They attempt to confront the 911 conspiracy issues, but in a completely biased way. In my opinion this video is a complete attempt to convince people that 9/11 conspiracy theories are complete retards. They obviously hired an actor to play as a "conspiracy theorist", and to say uneducated and ridiculous things about 9/11 so he can be laughed at and real conspiracy theorists can be looked down on and seem inferior. What kind of conspiracy theorist knows nothing about what he is discussing? Just watch this.

[edit on 18-2-2008 by I Love America]

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by I Love America

Would you mind telling us what one of those "uneducated and ridiculous things" is? That way we could discuss your post with a common point of reference. We'll all know what each is talking about that way.

You say, "They obviously hired an actor to play as a "conspiracy theorist", and to say uneducated and ridiculous things about 9/11 so he can be laughed at . . . ." This may come as a surprise to you but I don't think anyone on any side of this question will support the idea that Morgan Reynolds is an actor in the sense you mean.

If you had substituted "economist" for "actor" you might get some agreement.

If you are really interested in this subject you should do a little more research. I like your ATS handle. I love America too.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 10:59 PM
what i meant was they clearly aired the guy with the one intention of making us look like idiots. this guy really didn't know what he was talking about. he replied "i don't know" to some of the questions, and he was only on the show to be laughed at. Either they purposely chose one of few idiotic conspiracy theorists, or they hired a man to act as one, because honestly, if you were ggiven a chance to be on the news and discuss the topic, wouldn't you be quite a bit more convincing then this old man?

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 01:47 PM
The same people who came up with missile pods, lasers, holograms, tv fakery, you know, all the straw men that friends of Popular science and vanity fair (loose change, pods, Naudet) created only to easily debunk it in their magazine which has now become the bible for pseudo intellects who pose as debunkers.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 04:37 PM
I argree it is a sneaky tactic, but what better way to stop the 'normal' public asking questions than to bring out crazy theories so the plausable ones get thrown into the same catagory- nutjob conspiracy theorists!

It's a very clever way of distracting people from investigating for fear of being ridiculed by there peers.

Fight fire with fire.....very clever......disgusting, but clever.

One day the truth will come out, I hope I'm still around to see it because I don't think it'll be anytime soon.

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